A Daedra’s Best Friend – p. 2

Getting Back the Axe

New Main Objective: Retrieve the Rueful Axe with Barbas

You do not need to navigate through the caves again, as you only have to move onto the upper balcony located behind Clavicus’ statue and pull the chain (shown in the screen above). Use the newly unlocked path and you will shortly return to the surface.

Open the world map and locate your destination, the Rimerock Burrow (shown in the screen above). The location is situated in the north-west part of Skyrim, and if you haven’t discovered any other area nearby the Burrow, it would be best to start at Solitude or Dragon Bridge.

You need to approach the destination from the south-east, using the hardened path. As you get closer to the Burrow, get off the main path and find a smaller one leading west (shown in the screen above). Using that path will allow you to easily reach the entrance to Rimerock Burrow. If you do not want to waste time looking for the path, stop directly above the destination points and carefully slide down the slope, landing on the wooden shelf below.

Save your game and start exploring the Burrow. Upon reaching a bigger cave, start by dealing with the Flame Atronach who should die relatively quickly. Only after that, move to Sebastian Lort. The mage will attack you with powerful spells (shown in the screen above), to which you have to respond appropriately. Personally, I would suggest using a shield that partially blocks magic or one of the protective spells with a similar effect.

You can wait to attack Sebastian until Barbas moves in and successfully draws the mage’s attention away (shown in the screen above). Be careful, as some of Sebastian’s spells can jump onto neighbouring targets or have area effects. Keep an eye on your character’s health level, and quickly heal or retreat to a safe place if needed. Do not leave the mage unattended, as he can call in some magic assistants.

Keep fighting until Sebastian Lort dies. I would, of course, recommend checking his body and taking a look around the whole cave, including the southern storage room (a chest with precious items). The most important thing to find is the Rueful Axe lying on the table (shown in the screen above).

Returning to the Shrine of Clavicus Vile

New Main Objective: Return to the shrine of Clavicus Vile with Barbas and the Rueful Axe

Exit the Burrow, open the world map, and head to Haemar’s Shame. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to use the shortcut, so you will need to go through the previously visited locations again. After reaching the room with the statue of Clavicus Vile, save your game, and interact with the Shrine. The Daedric Lord will give you a choice (shown in the screen above).

New primary goal: Offer the Rueful Axe to Clavicus Vile OR eliminate Barbas using the Rueful Axe

If you intend to retain the Axe from the Burrow, select the top dialogue option. Equip the Axe as your active weapon from your inventory and attack Barbas (as depicted in the image above). Note that basic attacks will not be effective. After defeating Barbas, return to the statue and speak to Clavicus for the final time. The Quest will subsequently conclude, and you will be able to keep the Rueful Axe, which has the ability to drain your enemies’ stamina.

If you do not want to kill Barbas and instead return the Axe, select the bottom dialogue option. Hear what Clavicus has to say, after which Barbas will vanish and become a statue beside the Daedric Lord (as shown in the image above). You will receive the Masque of Clavicus Vile as a prize, which, in addition to providing excellent defense, also improves your Speech and mana regeneration rate.


1. What is the quest “A Daedra’s Best Friend – p. 2” all about?

The quest “A Daedra’s Best Friend – p. 2” is a continuation of the previous quest “A Daedra’s Best Friend.” In this quest, the Dragonborn is tasked with accompanying Barbas, the talking dog, to the Shrine of Clavicus Vile. The Dragonborn must help Barbas reunite with his master, Clavicus Vile, who has become separated from Barbas due to a curse. The player must navigate through various obstacles and enemies to reach the shrine and reunite Barbas with Clavicus Vile.

2. What are the rewards for completing the quest?

Upon completing the quest “A Daedra’s Best Friend – p. 2,” the Dragonborn is rewarded with the Masque of Clavicus Vile. This is a unique light armor helmet that provides the wearer with a 20-point increase in Speechcraft and prices are 20% better. It also has an enchantment that allows the player to summon a Daedra to fight for them for 60 seconds once per day.

3. Can the quest be failed?

No, the quest “A Daedra’s Best Friend – p. 2” cannot be failed. Even if the player dies during the quest, they will simply respawn at the last checkpoint and continue from where they left off. However, it is important to note that the quest must be completed in order to receive the rewards.

4. Is it necessary to complete the previous quest “A Daedra’s Best Friend” before starting this quest?

Yes, it is necessary to complete the previous quest “A Daedra’s Best Friend” before starting this quest. This is because “A Daedra’s Best Friend – p. 2” is a continuation of the previous quest and requires the player to have already obtained the Rueful Axe from the Shrine of Clavicus Vile. Without the Rueful Axe, the player will not be able to progress through the quest.

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