Blood on the Ice – p. 2 | Side quests

The second part of the Blood on the Ice side quest is covered in this page of our guide to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Keep investigating and don’t forget to talk to the new NPCs you’ll encounter. In the final phase of the quest, you’ll need to apprehend a serial killer who’s been terrorizing Whiterun.

  • New main objective: Look for clues
  • New main objective: Follow up on the clues from Hjerim
  • New main objective: Talk to Jorleif
  • New main objective: Patrol the streets of the Stone Quarter at night
  • New main objective: Catch the murderer
  • New main objective: Talk to Jorleif

New main objective: Look for clues

As soon as you’re inside, inspect the floor for blood trails leading to a large chest next to the wall. Open it to discover the journal of a person who calls himself the Butcher, along with a pile of flyers warning people about this killer.

Reading the Butcher’s Journal will reveal that you’re dealing with a deranged necromancer who dismembers his victims and uses their body parts for some kind of ritual. The next target is a woman named Susanna, who the murderer plans to attack as she leaves the Candlehearth Hall tonight.

Before rushing to help Susanna, explore the house. The upstairs area is unremarkable, so you can skip it. The shelves and ground floor are more interesting. On the shelf filled with flyers, you’ll find a strange amulet worth 1000 gold. When you open the wardrobe and go through the false back panel, you’ll discover the room where the madman conducts his twisted ceremonies. The second part of his journal, which is on the altar surrounded by bones, details the “ingredients” of the creature that the necromancer intends to resurrect. It becomes clear that you’re dealing with a very powerful mage.

New main objective: Follow up on the clues from Hjerim

After visiting Hjerim, talk to one of the city guards. They’ll point you towards Viola Giordano – the person behind the flyers you found in the killer’s house. If you inquire about the amulet, you’ll learn that such items are Calixto’s specialty at the House of Curiosities, and he’s willing to offer a good price for it.

Locate Viola and have a chat with her. She wanders all over Windhelm, but at night she can be found in her house in the western part of the city. Show her the journal you found in Hjerim, and she’ll suggest that it belongs to the Jarl’s mage, Wuunferth the Unliving.

Before reporting to Jorleif, pay a visit to Calixto at the House of Curiosities (in the southeast of the town). He confirms that the amulet belongs to the Jarl’s mage, and he offers to buy it from you for 500 gold. It’s worth accepting his offer – you’ll find out why later.

New Goal: Speak to Jorleif

Upon entering the Palace of the Kings, a decision must be made. If you inform Jorleif about the evidence you have confirming Wuunferth, his mage, as the Butcher, Wuunferth will be imprisoned. However, if you return to town after three (or more) days, you’ll find that the murders haven’t stopped despite your suspect being in jail. In that case, you’ll need to go to the palace dungeons and speak with the wrongly accused.

You can also approach the investigation in a completely different way. If you don’t speak to Jorleif upon returning to the Palace of the Kings but instead go to Wuunferth (who’s in his office on the first floor), you can interrogate him. He’ll insist that he’s not involved with necromancy in any way and predict that the murderer will strike during the next night, in the Stone Quarter. Before leaving the mage’s quarters, take the Stone of Berenziah from the table – it’ll be useful in the Thieves Guild quest No Stone Unturned.

By speaking with the mage rather than Jorleif, you’ll spare the former from torture and effectively save his life. This option is far superior.

New Goal: Patrol the Streets of the Stone Quarter at Night

After solving the court mage’s case, he’ll request that you protect the city from the Butcher (regardless of whether you’ve jailed him or not). Head to the marketplace in the southwest part of the city. On your way, you’ll hear a cry for help. Go there and witness Calixto murdering a woman. He’s the Butcher responsible for the murders in Windhelm and also the person who bought the amulet from you (either way, it was his).

If you’re quick enough, you can save the woman from being killed. Kill Calixto as fast as possible!

New Goal: Capture the Killer

As you witness the crime, you’ll have no choice but to apprehend the madman. It’s best to attack him several times – Calixto isn’t a skilled fighter, so he’ll fall quickly. If he manages to escape, you’ll find him at Hjerim, where you can kill him.

After dealing with the Butcher, don’t forget to search his body. You’ll find an enhanced Necromancer Amulet, now worth even more than before, as well as keys to Calixto’s house and chest (where useful items can be found).

New Goal: Speak to Jorleif

After defeating the psycho who terrorized the people of Windhelm, you can return to Jorleif and claim your reward. Unfortunately, you won’t receive much gold, as there’s not much in the castle’s treasury. However, you’ll be praised and given the opportunity to buy Hjerim – the same place where the crimes were committed. Don’t worry, though – the room where the dark ceremonies were held will be cleaned up, so there won’t be any unpleasant odors.

The guards of Windhelm will start to view you more positively as a result of resolving the case, which could prove advantageous, particularly if you tend to get into trouble.


1. What is Blood on the Ice quest in Skyrim?

Blood on the Ice is a side quest in Skyrim that involves investigating a series of murders in the city of Windhelm. The quest can be triggered by talking to a guard or by entering the Windhelm graveyard at night. During the investigation, the player will interact with various characters, gather evidence, and ultimately try to solve the mystery behind the murders. The quest has multiple outcomes depending on the player’s choices and actions, including the possibility of catching the killer or failing to solve the case.

2. How do I start the Blood on the Ice quest?

The Blood on the Ice quest can be started in two ways. The first is by speaking to one of the guards in Windhelm, who will mention the recent murders in the city and suggest that the player investigate. The second way to trigger the quest is by entering the Windhelm graveyard at night, where the player will witness a murder and be approached by a guard who will ask for their help in solving the case. Once the quest is triggered, the player can start investigating by talking to various characters and gathering clues.

3. What are some of the challenges in the Blood on the Ice quest?

The Blood on the Ice quest can be challenging due to the multiple outcomes and the need to gather and analyze evidence to solve the case. The player will need to talk to various characters and gather clues, including examining crime scenes and searching for hidden items. There are also several red herrings and false leads that can distract the player from the true killer. Additionally, certain choices and actions can affect the outcome of the quest, making it important to pay attention to details and make informed decisions.

4. What are the rewards for completing the Blood on the Ice quest?

Completing the Blood on the Ice quest can result in several rewards for the player. Depending on the outcome of the investigation, the player may receive a unique weapon called the Windhelm Guard’s Armor, or a powerful spell called the Necromancer’s Amulet. Additionally, solving the case can earn the player a significant amount of gold and improve their standing with certain factions in the game. Overall, completing the Blood on the Ice quest can provide a satisfying challenge and worthwhile rewards for players who enjoy side quests in Skyrim.

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