Complete Mission List | The Elder Scrolls Skyrim

This section of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim guide provides a comprehensive list of all the major missions featured in the game. Our list outlines both mandatory quests and those needed to fulfill additional requirements within the main storyline.

Here’s some preliminary information:

Our guide provides a detailed walkthrough of the main storyline, including additional goals and choices that can impact the quests and unlock additional ones. There are puzzles to solve in some of the main quests, and we have prepared a comprehensive guide on how to solve them. All the major battles in the main storyline, including the ones with the named dragons, are covered in our guide.

The main quests of Skyrim are listed in an ordered list (OL) with a heading of “All main quests of Skyrim.” The prologue involves using a character editor and is a brief introduction to the story. We have described the collaboration with Hadvar or Ralof on separate pages of the guide, as you can only travel with one of them. Before the Storm has a different beginning depending on your choice in the previous quests, and in the end, the protagonist can meet either with Alvor or Gerdur. Bleak Falls Barrow is the first major dungeon explored during the main quest, and Dragon Rising involves fighting the first boss, a dragon attacking Whiterun. The Way of the Voice is the quest related to the first ascent to mount Hrothgar and unlocking of Dragon shouts. In The Horn of Jurgen Windcaller, the main character has to explore yet another dungeon to acquire the eponymous horn. A Blade in the Dark involves visiting the grave of a dragon and defeating the next beast in cooperation with Delphine. Diplomatic Immunity is a difficult quest requiring us to infiltrate an Embassy and find information about dragons. A Cornered Rat requires the hero to find Esbern, and A Chance Arrangement is an optional quest to steal Madesi’s ring. Alduin’s Wall involves reaching Karthspire to discover its secrets. The Throat of the World has the hero visiting the eponymous location and meeting the dragon Paarthurnax. Elder Knowledge involves visiting Winterhold and exploring the ruins in search of an Elder Scroll. Alduin’s Bane requires facing Alduin for the first time, but the boss fight will not end with the dragon’s defeat. The Fallen’s objective is to capture the dragon Odahviing with the intention of interrogating the beast. Season Unending involves participating in peace negotiations that may end in several ways. Paarthurnax is an additional quest that involves fighting the eponymous dragon as an optional boss. The World-Eater’s Eyrie has the hero freeing Odahviing and going to Skuldafn. Sovngard precedes the final boss battle and involves defeating a mini-boss, Nord god called Tsun. Dragonslayer is the last main quest that involves the final battle against the dragon Alduin. An image is included at the end of the text.


What is the main objective of the missions in Skyrim?

The main objective of the missions in Skyrim is to complete the main storyline, which involves the player character becoming the Dragonborn and defeating the evil dragon Alduin. However, there are also numerous side quests and faction missions that can be completed along the way. These offer opportunities to explore the world, gain experience, and acquire loot and rewards.

How many total missions are there in Skyrim?

It’s difficult to give an exact number of missions in Skyrim, as some are dependent on the player’s choices and actions. However, there are over 300 quests in the base game alone, not including those added by expansions or mods. This includes both main story missions and side quests. Some of these are simple fetch quests or combat missions, while others involve complex storylines and decision-making.

Can all missions be completed in a single playthrough?

No, it’s not possible to complete all missions in a single playthrough of Skyrim. Some missions are mutually exclusive, meaning that completing one may prevent the player from completing another. Additionally, some faction missions are only available to characters who have made certain choices or reached certain levels. This encourages players to replay the game with different characters, making different choices and experiencing different outcomes.

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