Exploration | Tips

On this page of the TES V: Skyrim guide, you will discover useful suggestions for exploring the game world. First and foremost, we will inform you about how to travel quickly around the in-game world and how to use quick travel. We will also alert you to potential issues that can arise during exploration, such as encountering and battling dragons.

  • How to Travel Quickly?
  • Fast Travel
  • What to Do When Encountering Dragons?
  • Location Availability

How to Travel Quickly?

There are four different ways to travel the world in Skyrim. You can always walk, but I recommend doing this only at the beginning of the game when you don’t have much money to spend on other means of travel. After you have visited Whiterun for the first time and learned the basics of the game, you should consider getting a horse. The main advantage of having a horse is that it allows you to move between locations much faster than walking. Additionally, horses can assist you in climbing mountains, where attempting to ascend on foot would likely result in failure. Unfortunately, travelling on horseback has some disadvantages. The most significant one is that you cannot attack while on horseback, so you must dismount before joining a battle. Keep in mind that you and your horse are vulnerable targets while dismounting, so it’s best to move away from enemy units before leaving your horse. Another disadvantage is that your followers cannot use horses, so you will need to wait for them to catch up or enter a different area (such as a cave) where they will “magically” rejoin you.

Regarding horses, you can buy, steal, or receive one as a reward. If you want to purchase a horse, visit Whiterun Stables (sector 5, number 32), Markarth Stables (sector 6, number 9), Riften Stables (sector 9, number 12), Windhelm Stables (sector 4, number 4), or Katla’s Farm (sector 1, number 33). Once you arrive at the stables, speak to the owner and pay 1000 gold (all horses cost the same amount). Stealing a horse is easier, but it is considered a crime if you are caught (more on this in the “Committing Crimes” section of this chapter). You can get a free horse in two different ways. The first is named Frost and can be obtained while completing the “Promises to Keep” side quest. The second horse, Shadowmere, can be obtained while completing “The Cure for Madness” quest for the Dark Brotherhood. Shadowmere is a superior horse and is different from all other horses. This animal is more resilient, moves faster, and can participate in battles (only above ground). Note that your horse can be killed. Be particularly cautious when using Shadowmere, because you cannot revive or replace it with the same horse.

One of the easiest ways to access all major areas in Skyrim is by hiring a carriage. You can find carriages next to every stable in Whiterun Stables (sector 5, number 32), Markarth Stables (sector 6, number 9), Riften Stables (sector 9, number 12), Windhelm Stables (sector 4, number 4) and Katla’s Farm (sector 1, number 33). For a very cheap price, not more than 50 gold coins per journey, the carriage driver will take you to the biggest cities in the game’s world. It is advisable to use the carriage to unlock the northern part of Skyrim (Solitude, Dawnstar, Morthal, Winterhold) as travelling through the mountains alone can be dangerous for an inexperienced hero.

Fast travel

As you progress in the game, you will unlock many new locations that you can quickly return to using the fast travel feature. To use this feature, open the world map, locate the place you want to go, click on it, and confirm that you want to skip the journey. However, you cannot use fast travel while inside a building or dungeon, or if the area around you is occupied by enemy units. You must either defeat all enemies or outrun them to unlock fast travel once again.

Encountering dragons

It is important to save your progress frequently in Skyrim, as the game is inhabited by many monsters that can be challenging for you and your team, especially in the early parts of the game. Avoid trolls, bears, sabretooth cats, and giants until your character gains some levels and better gear. Once you complete the Dragon Rising main quest, you will encounter dragons regularly. If you encounter a dragon, you can either engage it in battle or flee and move to a different location, preferably on horseback. However, if a dragon appears above a city, it will begin attacking civilians, and you will not be able to interact with anyone until the dragon is dead. Eliminating dragons is not too difficult, and you can count on assistance from other people in most battles.

Location availability

Most areas in Skyrim are fully accessible, and you can explore them at any point in the game without fulfilling any special requirements. Some rooms and areas may require a key or special permission to enter, but these problems can be overcome. It is not advisable to visit dwarven ruins and larger crypts in the early parts of the game, as they are usually home to powerful groups of creatures that can easily kill an inexperienced hero.

At the start of the game, certain locations may not be accessible, such as the Goldenglow Estate depicted in the image. These areas are typically unlocked as you progress through specific quests, but some may only be available temporarily. It’s important to consult the first chapter of this guide, which provides detailed descriptions for all locations and tips on how to gain entry to restricted areas.


1. What are some tips for planning an exploration trip?

When planning an exploration trip, it’s important to do thorough research and plan ahead. Some tips for planning include: deciding on your destination and researching the area, creating a detailed itinerary, packing appropriate gear and clothing, and ensuring you have necessary permits or visas. It’s also important to consider any potential risks or hazards, and to have a backup plan in case of unexpected events.

2. How do I know if a location is safe for exploration?

Research is key when it comes to determining the safety of a location for exploration. Look for recent news articles or travel advisories, and consider contacting local authorities or experts in the area. It’s also important to assess your own experience and abilities, and to be aware of any potential risks or hazards.

3. What gear is essential for exploration?

The necessary gear for exploration depends on the specific location and activity. However, some essential items may include a map and compass, appropriate footwear and clothing, food and water, a first aid kit, and communication devices such as a satellite phone or radio. It’s important to research the area and consider any potential weather conditions or hazards when packing gear.

4. How can I minimize my impact on the environment during exploration?

Minimizing your impact on the environment during exploration involves being mindful of your actions and taking steps to reduce your footprint. Some tips include: staying on designated trails, packing out all trash and waste, avoiding disturbing wildlife or habitats, and using environmentally-friendly products such as reusable water bottles and biodegradable soap. It’s also important to follow any specific guidelines or regulations in the area.

5. What are some benefits of exploration?

Exploration can offer a variety of benefits, such as personal growth and learning, physical and mental health benefits, and new experiences and perspectives. It can also contribute to scientific research and conservation efforts, and can promote cultural understanding and awareness. Additionally, exploration can provide opportunities for adventure, fun, and excitement.

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