Guide to Materials in Dragon Age Inquisition

An example of a material

Below is a list of materials used for crafting in Dragon Age Inquisition. They are needed for weapon upgrades, among other things. Here are the best ways to obtain them:

  • Explore the game world thoroughly. Do not use mounts and scan the area regularly to make finding materials easier. Some materials only appear in specific locations, so do not worry if you cannot find a specific one right away. Herbs respawn, so you can find them again after revisiting a location. Remember where the rarest materials can be found. Note that some materials require more demanding climbing to reach, as they may only be found in the higher portions of mountains.
  • Complete operations at the war room to be rewarded with crafting materials. The list of operations and rewards can be found in the game walkthrough.
  • Visit traders who specialize in crafting materials. Some materials may be expensive, so make sure to budget accordingly. It is also a good idea to obtain Inquisition Perks that decrease item prices.






Emprise du Lion, Emerald Graves

Blue Vitriol


Fallow Mire



Emerald Graves

Dragon Bone


The bones are dropped by High Dragons



Crestwood, Hinterlands



Crestwood, Emerald Graves, Exalted Plains, Western Approach



Haven, Crestwood, Frostback Mountains, Emerald Graves, Storm Coast, Hinterlands



Hissing Wastes, Exalted Plains, Western Approach



Hissing Wastes



Crestwood, Emerald Graves, Exalted Plains, Hinterlands



Crestwood, Hinterlands

Paragon’s Luster


Western Approach, Forbidden Oasis



Emerald Graves



Hissing Wastes, Storm Coast, Western Approach, Forbidden Oasis



Arbor Wilderness



Arbor Wilderness, Emerald Graves

Summer Stone


The table shows different types of minerals and their locations. Veridium is a common mineral found in various regions of the world, while Volcanic Aurum is also common but only found in the Hissing Wastes. Fallow Mire and Storm Coast are locations where various minerals can be found. The table is presented with HTML tags for headings, paragraphs, and images.


1. What are the different types of materials in Dragon Age Inquisition?

In Dragon Age Inquisition, there are several types of materials that players can collect and use to craft equipment and upgrade weapons. These materials include metals, cloth, leather, herbs, and rune materials. Metals can be found by mining ore deposits or salvaging armor and weapons. Cloth can be found by looting enemies or salvaging clothing items. Leather is obtained by hunting animals or salvaging leather armor. Herbs can be found by searching the environment or purchasing them from merchants. Rune materials are found by looting enemies or purchasing them from merchants. Each material type has different qualities and can be used to create different equipment and upgrades.

2. How do I collect materials in Dragon Age Inquisition?

Materials can be collected in several ways in Dragon Age Inquisition. Metals can be found by mining ore deposits or salvaging armor and weapons. Cloth can be found by looting enemies or salvaging clothing items. Leather is obtained by hunting animals or salvaging leather armor. Herbs can be found by searching the environment or purchasing them from merchants. Rune materials are found by looting enemies or purchasing them from merchants. Additionally, players can send out their advisors on missions to gather specific materials. It is important to explore the environment and loot enemies to collect materials.

3. How do I use materials to craft equipment in Dragon Age Inquisition?

To craft equipment in Dragon Age Inquisition, players need to have the required materials and schematics. Schematics can be found by looting enemies or purchasing them from merchants. Once a schematic is obtained, players can go to a crafting station and select the equipment they want to craft. The required materials will be displayed, and players can select the materials they want to use. Once the materials are selected, the equipment will be crafted. It is important to have the best materials available to create the most powerful equipment.

4. How do I upgrade weapons using materials in Dragon Age Inquisition?

To upgrade weapons in Dragon Age Inquisition, players need to have the required materials and a weapon upgrade slot. Weapon upgrade slots can be obtained by crafting or looting weapons. Once a weapon upgrade slot is obtained, players can go to a crafting station and select the weapon they want to upgrade. The required materials will be displayed, and players can select the materials they want to use. Once the materials are selected, the weapon will be upgraded. It is important to have the best materials available to create the most powerful upgrades.

5. Can I sell materials in Dragon Age Inquisition?

Yes, materials can be sold in Dragon Age Inquisition. Players can sell materials to merchants for gold, which can be used to purchase items or equipment. However, it is important to consider the value of the materials before selling them. Some materials may be rare and valuable, and it may be better to keep them for crafting or upgrading. It is also important to consider the player’s current needs for materials before selling them. It may be better to hold onto materials until they are needed for crafting or upgrading.

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