Hitman 2: Three-Headed Serpent Walkthrough – Where to Disable Monitoring Cameras

In this section of the Hitman 2 guide, you will discover the locations to sabotage monitoring cameras in Satna Fortuna. This is a crucial step in every mission as it helps Agent 47 to avoid leaving any traces and enhances your score.

It is advisable to steer clear of the cameras’ field of view until you disable them. Avoid destroying them as this may negatively impact your score. Deactivating monitoring devices in any of the locations listed below will turn off the cameras on the entire map.

The first location to disable monitoring is the upper floor of the Martinez building. This location is quite challenging due to one of the soldiers who works on a computer all the time. Even if you distract him, you must watch out for two other individuals in the room.

The second location recommended is the crew’s quarters next to the cave with the submarine. This location is depicted in the images above. One of the enemies patrols the area, but you can either stun or distract them with a coin and hide their body.

The third location with monitoring devices is the basement of Rico Delgado’s mansion. The computer is in a vanisher’s office with two other people. You can either stun/kill them or distract them and swiftly turn off the monitoring.


What is Hitman 2: Monitoring – Three-Headed Serpent walkthrough?

Hitman 2: Monitoring – Three-Headed Serpent walkthrough is a guide for the third mission in the game, where the player takes on the role of Agent 47 and travels to the fictional South American city of Santa Fortuna to eliminate three targets: Rico Delgado, Andrea Martinez, and Jorge Franco. The walkthrough provides tips and tricks for completing the mission, including where to find disguises and weapons, how to avoid detection, and where to sabotage various objects to create distractions or eliminate targets.

Where should I sabotage in Hitman 2: Monitoring – Three-Headed Serpent?

There are several areas in the mission where the player can sabotage objects to create distractions or eliminate targets. One of the most effective places to sabotage is the drug lab, where the player can tamper with the ventilation system to cause an explosion that will kill all three targets at once. Another option is to sabotage the gas tank in the garage near the mansion, which will cause an explosion that can kill Andrea Martinez and create a distraction that will lure Rico Delgado to investigate. Additionally, the player can sabotage the winch on Jorge Franco’s helicopter to create an opportunity to eliminate him while he is inspecting the damage. These are just a few examples of the many ways the player can use sabotage to complete the mission in Hitman 2: Monitoring – Three-Headed Serpent.

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