How to Get Rid of Notoriety and Lose Pursuit in Saints Row 2022: Pursuit?

If you’re playing Saints Row, you might find yourself being chased by the police or gangsters. This guide will help you understand what Notoriety is and how to successfully complete a chase.

On this page, we’ll explain how Notoriety initiates a pursuit and what you can do to lose your pursuers.

  • Types and levels of pursuits in Notoriety
  • Calling for reinforcements
  • How to lose a pursuit?

Types and Levels of Pursuits in Notoriety

In Saints Row, breaking the law and increasing the Notoriety bar can initiate a chase. This works similarly to the stars in GTA, with the pursuit starting at level 1 and progressing up to level 5, where your opponents will do everything they can to stop you.

At any given time, you can be chased by one or two groups of enemies:

  1. Police officers – You can increase your Notoriety by stealing cars, colliding with other vehicles, or killing innocent people.
  2. Gangsters – There are three major gangs in the game, but only one group will chase you at any given moment (the one whose territory you’re in). You can increase your Notoriety by attacking gangsters, hitting their cars, or entering the locations they guard.

The pursuit level is indicated by the bars and icons around the radar in the lower left corner of the screen. In the example shown in the picture above, the gangster chase is at the maximum fifth level, and the police chase is at level 1. You’ll always be notified when a pursuit advances to the next level.

Try to avoid being chased by two enemy groups since it will be harder to end the chase and reset Notoriety.

Remember to check the available perks. One of them, On the Down Low, reduces the Notoriety charging speed, meaning you’ll be able to perform more law-breaking activities before advancing to the next level of the pursuit.

Calling for Reinforcements

There’s an additional problem associated with chases – enemies may call for reinforcements, increasing the level of the challenge. The game will show a phone icon above the NPC’s head to let you know they’re calling for backup – act quickly before the bar is depleted. Shoot or drive over the person using the phone to prevent them from calling for backup.

How to Lose a Pursuit?

Losing a pursuit in Saints Row isn’t always straightforward. Fast and error-free driving alone may not be enough, as the game can cheat to some extent – enemy vehicles chasing you can catch up with you even if you’re moving at maximum speed.

To destroy enemy vehicles, the most effective method is to attack them. The best way to do this is by performing a Sideswipe maneuver, which involves pressing Square/X on the controller while tilting the stick to the right or left. This enables you to strike vehicles on your sides with significant force. Alternatively, you can shoot from your car’s cabin, but this may only inflict minor damage on some enemy vehicles.

If your vehicle has a boost, it is recommended that you use it on straight paths. This is the only way to create distance between you and the pursuing cars.

Another strategy is to go off-road since enemy vehicles may have difficulty driving on uneven terrain. This is especially useful when using a vehicle equipped with off-road equipment for better handling.

After losing the enemy cars, keep an eye on the radar and steer clear of the red dots.

The game will eventually display a Notoriety Cleared message, indicating the end of the chase. The Notoriety bar(s) will reset to zero.

Another way to lose the pursuit is to return to the Saints’ headquarters, located at the church. Approaching the building should remove all chase icons. Use this tactic if you are close to the hideout.


1. How can I lose Notoriety in Saints Row 2022: Pursuit?

In Saints Row 2022: Pursuit, Notoriety is gained by committing crimes such as killing innocent bystanders, attacking the police, or damaging property. To lose Notoriety, you can either lay low and wait for it to dissipate naturally over time, or you can use various methods to decrease it more quickly. One way to do this is to use a Notoriety-reducing item, such as the “Lost and Found” spray, which can be purchased from a store or found throughout the game world. Another option is to complete activities that specifically decrease Notoriety, such as completing a “Gang Operation” or a “Snatch” mission.

2. Can Notoriety be completely eliminated in Saints Row 2022: Pursuit?

No, Notoriety cannot be completely eliminated in Saints Row 2022: Pursuit. Even if you manage to reduce it to zero, it will start to increase again if you continue to commit crimes. However, keeping your Notoriety as low as possible is important if you want to avoid police attention and other negative consequences. You can use various methods to reduce Notoriety, such as laying low, using Notoriety-reducing items, and completing Notoriety-reducing activities.

3. What happens if I get arrested in Saints Row 2022: Pursuit?

If you are arrested in Saints Row 2022: Pursuit, you will be taken to a police station and held for a short period of time. During this time, your Notoriety will be reduced, but you will lose any weapons and items that you were carrying. After you are released from jail, you will be free to continue playing the game, but you will need to retrieve your lost weapons and items from the police station.

4. How can I avoid getting spotted by the police in Saints Row 2022: Pursuit?

To avoid getting spotted by the police in Saints Row 2022: Pursuit, you can use various stealth techniques such as hiding behind cover, sneaking around corners, and using silenced weapons. You can also reduce your Notoriety by avoiding committing crimes in areas with heavy police presence, and by completing activities that specifically decrease Notoriety. If you do get spotted by the police, you can try to outrun them by driving away quickly or using a vehicle with good handling and speed.

5. What are the consequences of having high Notoriety in Saints Row 2022: Pursuit?

If you have high Notoriety in Saints Row 2022: Pursuit, you will be more likely to attract police attention and other negative consequences such as rival gang attacks. Police officers will be more aggressive in their pursuit of you, and they may use more advanced tactics such as roadblocks and helicopters. Additionally, high Notoriety can make it more difficult to complete certain missions and activities, as you may be constantly under attack from law enforcement and rival gangs.

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