Infiltrating the Thalmor Embassy in Diplomatic Immunity

This page of the TES V: Skyrim guide provides a walkthrough on how and why to infiltrate the Thalmor Embassy as part of the main quest, Diplomatic Immunity. This is necessary to meet several friendly characters who will arrange transportation to the location.

  • New main objective: Meet Malborn in Solitude
  • New main objective: Give Malborn the equipment
  • New main objective: Meet Delphine at the stables

New main objective: Meet Malborn in Solitude

Leave the inn and check the world map. Solitude is in the northern region of Skyrim (shown in the above screen) and if you have already been there, you can use fast travel. Otherwise, you will need to plan a journey there. The best option is to use the carriage in a major city, such as Whiterun Stable, especially since it is not that expensive.

If you prefer to reach Solitude on your own, start near Ustengrav, by the temple explored in a previous quest. Then head north-west, crossing the partially frozen marshes, but beware of encountering strong monsters along the way. The fact that Solitude can only be reached from the western side (as seen in the image above) can be a challenge, as you must choose the correct path leading to your objective.

Once you reach Solitude, go to the Winking Skeever (shown above) near the main gate. Inside the inn, look for Malborn, who should be sitting at one of the tables, and speak with him.

New main objective: Give Malborn the equipment

Malborn will confirm that he can smuggle a certain amount of equipment into the embassy, and will suggest that it should be items that will allow you to efficiently and silently deal with enemies. You can request some time to gather the necessary equipment or choose the items you want to smuggle right away (as seen in the image above).

Ultimately, you must decide how you want to act inside the embassy. Contrary to what you might think, you can engage enemies in direct combat without them sounding an alarm and calling for reinforcements. If you do not mind an aggressive approach, give Malborn your current weapon and all your gear. However, do not worry about being defenseless, as you should not encounter any enemies on your way to the party. If you prefer to take precautions and act from the shadows after reaching the party, give Malborn a dagger and as much equipment, rings, amulets, potions, scrolls, and any other items that will help you stay quiet. Of course, this will all be for naught if you are not a thief and do not have a developed Sneak skill, as everything else depends on it. Regardless of which option you choose, give Malborn a few health, magicka, and stamina potions, as well as at least a couple of lockpicks.

Updated Goal: Meet Delphine at the Stables

Exit the Winking Skeever and head out of Solitude to the west, following the main path. When you reach Katla’s Farm, turn south and find Delphine (shown in the screenshot above) to speak with her. Delphine will provide you with the Invitation to Elenwen’s Reception, Party Boots, and Party Clothes. Equip these new items and make sure you are not wearing any other clothing.

Note: If you plan to sneak, it may be best to leave your follower behind to avoid premature attacks. If you plan to fight the guards, you do not need to make any changes. Speak with Delphine again and confirm your intention to head to the embassy (shown in the screenshot above). Wait until you arrive at the Thalmor Embassy.


What is a diplomatic immunity?

Diplomatic immunity is a legal principle that gives certain foreign government officials and their families protection from prosecution and civil lawsuits in the host country. This protection is granted to ensure that diplomats can carry out their duties without any fear of harassment, intimidation, or arrest. It also allows them to enjoy certain privileges such as tax exemption, immunity from customs duties, and the ability to import goods without paying taxes. While diplomatic immunity is a crucial aspect of international relations, it is not absolute, and diplomats can still be expelled from the host country in certain circumstances, such as if they commit a serious crime.

How can one attend an embassy party?

Embassy parties are usually invitation-only events, and to attend one, you need to receive an invitation from the host embassy. The invitation can be extended to you directly by the ambassador or through a personal contact who has been invited. To increase your chances of being invited, you should build a network of contacts in the diplomatic community by attending other embassy events and by meeting diplomats through professional or social engagements. It’s also essential to dress appropriately for embassy parties, as they are typically formal affairs. Finally, it’s essential to remember that embassy parties are diplomatic events, and attendees are expected to behave in a respectful and appropriate manner.

Can a diplomatic immunity be waived?

Yes, diplomatic immunity can be waived in certain circumstances. For example, if a diplomat is accused of committing a serious crime or violating the laws of the host country, the diplomat’s home country may waive immunity and allow the host country to prosecute the diplomat. Waiving diplomatic immunity is not a decision that is taken lightly, and it is usually done only in cases where the alleged crime is severe, and the evidence against the diplomat is strong. In some cases, diplomatic immunity may also be waived if the diplomat’s home country asks for it to be waived, such as if the diplomat is involved in a civil lawsuit.

What is the purpose of embassy parties?

Embassy parties serve several purposes, including promoting cultural exchange, fostering diplomatic relationships, and building networks of contacts among diplomats, business leaders, and other influential people. These events are usually formal affairs that include speeches, cultural performances, and opportunities to network with other attendees. Embassy parties can also be an essential tool for diplomats to promote their country’s interests and to build support for their country’s policies. Finally, embassy parties can be an excellent opportunity for expats and other residents of the host country to learn more about the diplomatic community and to meet people from around the world.

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