
How to Close Rifts in Dragon Age Inquisition

Closing Rifts is a key activity in Dragon Age Inquisition. You can find them while exploring the game world or as part of main quests. Knowing how to close them is essential.

Rifts can be found on the map or while exploring an area. When approaching a Rift, a group of monsters will appear, but they won’t attack immediately. It’s important to assess the monsters’ strength before engaging. If they’re too strong, it’s best to come back later.

When you start attacking the monsters, focus on the strongest demons first. There will be at least two waves of monsters, so be prepared for a longer battle. During the fight, you can disrupt the Rift’s functioning by interacting with it. This will stun and weaken the monsters, making the battle easier.

Once you’ve defeated all the monsters, you can seal the Rift by interacting with it. You’ll receive experience points, Influence, and Power points for closing the Rift, depending on the difficulty level of the battle.

Closing Rifts is an important part of Dragon Age Inquisition, and mastering this skill will make your journey through the game world easier.


1. What are rifts in Dragon Age Inquisition?

Rifts are tears in the veil that separates the physical world from the Fade, which is a realm of spirits and demons. In Dragon Age Inquisition, these rifts are causing chaos and destruction in the game world.

2. How do you close rifts in Dragon Age Inquisition?

To close a rift, the player must first find it in the game world. Once found, the player must collect enough power to open the rift with a special device called a “Breach-Seeker.” Once the rift is open, the player must defeat the demons that emerge from it. After all the demons are defeated, the player must use a special ability called “Mark of the Rift” to seal the rift and prevent any further demons from coming through.

3. Why is it important to close rifts in Dragon Age Inquisition?

Closing rifts is important because the demons that come through them cause chaos and destruction in the game world. They attack villages, towns, and cities, and can even possess people. If the player doesn’t close the rifts, the game world will become more and more chaotic, making it harder to complete quests and progress through the story.

4. Can you prevent rifts from opening in Dragon Age Inquisition?

Unfortunately, the player cannot prevent rifts from opening. Rifts will continue to open throughout the game, and it’s up to the player to close them as they appear. However, the player can make the process of closing rifts easier by completing side quests that increase the player’s power, which is necessary to open the rifts and defeat the demons that come through them.

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