What do the blue question marks on the mini-map mean in Days Gone?

While exploring the vast world of Days Gone, you may come across blue question marks on the mini-map. This guide will explain their purpose and how to approach them.

The appearance of a blue question mark does not indicate any urgent matter. It simply directs you towards minor investigations that you can choose to explore or ignore without any consequences. These investigations offer extra adventures for those seeking them.

To locate the investigation, follow the blue circle on the mini-map. Your controller will vibrate slightly as you get closer to the interactive trail. This makes it easier to find.

After examining the trail, you may choose to watch a short “visualization” of past events, which indicates where to look for more clues. However, you can also skip it and proceed with the investigation.

Deacon must follow the tracks, which can be footprints or blood stains visible in survival mode. You can also rely on small dots on the mini-map to guide you towards the investigation.

Following the tracks will lead you to various outcomes, such as a wounded Freaker, a bandit camp, a chest of supplies, or hostages. These investigations offer different endings, making each one a unique experience.


1. What do the question marks on the mini-map in Days Gone mean?

The question marks on the mini-map in Days Gone represent unknown locations or events that have not yet been discovered by the player. These could include ambush camps, infestations, or other points of interest that have not yet been revealed. Once the player gets closer to the question mark, it will be revealed on the map and the player can investigate the area or event. Some question marks may also represent random encounters with enemies or survivors, which can lead to rewards or new missions.

2. How do I reveal the question marks on the mini-map in Days Gone?

To reveal the question marks on the mini-map in Days Gone, the player must explore the surrounding area and discover new locations. As the player travels through the game world, new question marks will appear on the mini-map, indicating areas or events that have not yet been explored. The player can also use their Survival Vision ability to highlight nearby points of interest, which may reveal new question marks on the map.

3. Are the question marks on the mini-map in Days Gone important?

Yes, the question marks on the mini-map in Days Gone are important as they represent new locations, events, and potential rewards for the player. Exploring these areas and completing the events can lead to valuable resources, weapons, and upgrades that can help the player progress through the game. Some question marks may also lead to new story missions or side quests, which can provide additional context and depth to the game’s narrative.

4. Can the question marks on the mini-map in Days Gone disappear?

Yes, the question marks on the mini-map in Days Gone can disappear if the player ignores them for too long. Some events or locations may only be available for a limited time, and if the player does not investigate them in time, they may disappear from the map. Additionally, if the player completes an event or clears a location, the question mark will disappear from the map, indicating that the area has already been explored.

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