Battle for Fort Dunstad | Imperial Legion Quests

New Objective: Join the troops attacking Fort Dunstad

Important! This mission is given during the Reunification of Skyrim main Imperial Legion Quest and must be completed to progress to the next part.

Consult your world map and you’ll notice that the meeting point (as shown above) is located to the east of Fort Dunstad. It’s not advisable to head directly to the fort, even if you’ve already discovered the location and can use Fast Travel. It’s better to begin your journey from Dawnstar (north of Skyrim) and move southward.

Upon reaching the designated location, you’ll come across Imperial Legion Soldiers ready to participate in the attack (as shown above). Before approaching them, save your game as they will charge towards the fort without warning.

New Objective: Seize Fort Dunstad by eliminating the enemy

Map labels: 1 – north fort entrance; 2 – south fort entrance; 3 – entrance to the west part of the fort; 4 – areas from where enemy soldiers usually emerge.

It’s time to review the principles of this battle. The main difference is that you’re attacking this time and not defending. So, you can focus solely on eliminating enemy targets without worrying about controlling particular areas on the map.

Similar to a previous quest, the battle will continue until you’ve eliminated enough enemy soldiers and their “strength” parameter drops to 0%. However, don’t be deceived by the initial lack of enemy soldiers in the courtyard, as more will emerge frequently from nearby buildings. Be mindful of this and don’t position yourself near doors leading to other locations within the fort. Also, avoid attacking your allies and refrain from using area-effect weapons, abilities or spells, unless you’re sure they’ll only hit enemy soldiers.

You can enter the fort in two ways. The Imperials will generally approach the north entrance (as shown above), which is better guarded, but also has barricades to break through. This is the ideal choice for warriors.

The second option is the south entrance (as shown above), which is weakly guarded and has no barricades. You can reach it by circling around the fort from the east, and it’s a better choice for archers or mages.

If your character prefers close combat, start by eliminating the Stormcloak soldiers around you as soon as you reach the right part of the fort (as shown above). Don’t forget to take out the archers first, either by using single ranged attacks or by approaching them.

After clearing the main courtyard, take the path leading to the west part of the fort, which is surrounded by barricades (as shown above). A more intense battle awaits you there. If your character has area-effect attacks, it’s advisable to use at least one of them here.

The first step for a character who prefers ranged combat upon entering the fort would be to locate stairs leading up to the surrounding walls. Once on the walls, players can decide whether to attack from low elevation or climb one of the taller towers for a better view of the fort. It is important to remain vigilant for enemy soldiers and eliminate them one by one. Players should also be aware of enemies running out of buildings to avoid being caught off guard. Once enough enemy soldiers have been eliminated, the remaining Stormcloaks should flee automatically, completing the mission. Players can now return to the Reunification of Skyrim main objective by reporting to General Tullius #2.


What is the Battle for Fort Dunstad?

The Battle for Fort Dunstad is a quest offered by the Imperial Legion in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. The quest requires the player to help the Imperial Legion take control of Fort Dunstad, which is currently occupied by the enemy faction.

How do I start the Battle for Fort Dunstad quest?

To start the quest, the player must join the Imperial Legion faction and complete a few prerequisite quests. Once the prerequisites are met, the player will receive orders to assist in the Battle for Fort Dunstad by speaking to Legate Rikke at the Imperial Camp located near the fort.

What is the objective of the Battle for Fort Dunstad quest?

The objective of the quest is to help the Imperial Legion take control of Fort Dunstad by defeating the enemy faction that currently occupies it. The player will be tasked with killing all of the enemy soldiers inside the fort and securing the area for the Imperial Legion.

What rewards do I receive for completing the Battle for Fort Dunstad quest?

Upon completing the quest, the player will receive a sum of gold and an increase in rank within the Imperial Legion faction. Additionally, the player will have access to the fort as a safe location to rest and store items.

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