Breaching Security

New main objective: Talk to Gabriella

Find Gabriella in the Dark Brotherhood’s Sanctuary and ask her about the new assignment. She informs you that the Emperor will be visiting Skyrim and security checks are being conducted in major settlements. Gabriella wants you to assassinate Gaius Maro, the commander’s son responsible for security, and plant an incriminating letter on his body. Killing him in one of the settlements he is visiting will earn you a bonus.

New main objective: Kill Gaius Maro

New optional objective: Steal Gaius Maro’s travel schedule

Leave the Dark Brotherhood’s Sanctuary and open the world map. Gaius Maro will start his journey from Dragon Bridge, located in the northwestern part of Skyrim. If you’ve already unlocked this location, use fast travel. Otherwise, start your journey from Solitude and head west.

When you arrive at Dragon Bridge, go to the Penitus Oculatus Outpost area. You’ll see a conversation between Gaius and his father, the commander, before Gaius leaves to check major settlements. You can attack him on the road or complete Gabriella’s request and kill him in a major settlement.

Enter the Penitus Oculatus Outpost in Dragon Bridge. If you don’t want to kill anyone, you can simply take a look at Gaius Maro’s schedule on the table. If you want to take the schedule with you, make sure the room is empty or perform a quiet execution on the agent inside.

With the schedule in hand, plan your actions carefully to arrive in the right place at the right time. Check the current day of the week in the world map or by pressing the T key and plan accordingly to meet Gaius Maro in the city.

The best time to attack Gaius is at night, as he visits public places during the day and is surrounded by local guards. It is not recommended to attack him in cities where he stays in the castle or barracks, as there are other guards around, making silent assassination difficult. The Bannered Mare inn in Whiterun is a good place to wait for him, as he appears there on Turdas evening. He spends a few hours in the main inn chamber before going to the guest room to sleep. Approach him carefully and equip a good dagger or bow, as he is tough to kill. After assassinating him, plant the incriminating letter on his body and report back to Gabriella at the Dark Brotherhood’s Sanctuary to receive a reward of gold and Olava’s token. This token can be used to visit a local fortune teller as a sidequest. Gabriella will also inform you of a crisis situation involving Cicero and unlock two new quests: The Cure for Madness and Miscellaneous: Receive a reading from Olava the Feeble.


What is breaching security?

Breaching security refers to any unauthorized access to a system, network or data that is intended to be protected. It can be accomplished in different ways, such as exploiting vulnerabilities, using social engineering techniques, or stealing credentials. Breaching security can result in serious consequences, including data theft, financial loss, and reputational damage. That’s why it’s crucial for organizations to implement effective security measures to prevent breaches and detect them early if they occur.

Who can breach security?

Anyone can breach security if they have the knowledge, skills, and motivation to do so. This includes hackers, insiders, cybercriminals, and even nation-state actors. Hackers are individuals or groups who use technical expertise to exploit vulnerabilities in systems and networks. Insiders are employees or contractors who have authorized access to sensitive data but misuse it for personal gain or revenge. Cybercriminals are individuals or groups who use technology to commit crimes, such as stealing credit card information or conducting ransomware attacks. Nation-state actors are individuals or groups who work on behalf of a government to steal sensitive information or disrupt critical infrastructure.

How can organizations prevent security breaches?

Organizations can prevent security breaches by implementing a comprehensive security program that includes people, processes, and technology. This includes educating employees about security risks and best practices, implementing strong access controls and authentication mechanisms, and regularly testing systems and networks for vulnerabilities. Organizations should also monitor their systems and networks for suspicious activity and respond quickly to any incidents that occur. Additionally, implementing a disaster recovery plan can help organizations minimize the impact of a security breach and recover quickly.

What should individuals do to protect themselves from security breaches?

Individuals can protect themselves from security breaches by following basic security practices, such as using strong and unique passwords, keeping software and devices up-to-date, and being cautious of suspicious emails and websites. Individuals should also avoid sharing sensitive information online and limit the amount of personal information they share on social media. Using two-factor authentication and encryption can also provide an extra layer of security. Additionally, individuals should monitor their financial accounts and credit reports regularly to detect any unauthorized activity.

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