Guide and Tips for Amazon Skills in Diablo 2 Resurrected

In this guide for Diablo 2 Resurrected, you will learn about the Amazon class and the different builds you can create using their abilities. Specifically, we will focus on the skills available to the Amazon class.

The Amazon class is unique in focusing on throwing weapons such as bows, crossbows, and javelins. However, they can also use other weapons. The Amazon has two categories of skills that are mutually exclusive – for javelins and for bows. Passive and magical skills are also important for character development. Some important skills for the Amazon class include Jab, Penetration, Pierce, and Valkyrie. These skills are beneficial for most builds, so be sure to check them out.

  • Javelin and spear
  • Passive skills and magic
  • Bows and crossbows

Javelin and Spear Skills

At Level 2, the Amazon class can use the Jab skill. This starting skill allows the Amazon to deal three quick strikes with reduced power and increased attack speed (3 attacks per Normal weapon attack speed). At Level 6, it deals damage with standard power, and later receives a small damage bonus and a small boost to attack accuracy.

Level 1

Level 20

Difference per level

Mana consumption




Bonus to damage




Accuracy bonus




This skill becomes stronger when it is boosted with a bonus to each hit (elemental damage from items, mana/health draining). It is also useful when fighting monsters with resistance to the elements. The skill is more effective when used with a slow weapon and is worth combining with the development of the Critical Hit passive skill.

At Level 6, the Amazon can use the Power Strike skill. This ability adds lightning damage to the attack, making it easier to fight stronger opponents in the early stages of the game. However, it will be completely ineffective on enemies resistant to lightning. Also, keep in mind that the attack value is random, so the higher the target value, the greater the randomness spread in the attack strength.

Level 1

Level 20

Difference per level

Mana consumption




Bonus damage (Lightning)




Accuracy bonus




Another skill worth checking out is Lightning Strike, an improved version of Power Strike that deals area damage.

At Level 6, the Amazon can also use the Poison Javelin skill.

Mana consumption




Bonus to damage




Lightning damage



12; increases from level 9

Charged Strike is useful for fighting large groups of enemies. The skill is also effective against bosses, although the lightning effect may not always be successful. It is worth using a weapon with a high damage rate.

The table below shows the statistics for several Amazon skills at different levels.

Skill Level 18 – Poison Javelin:

This skill allows the Amazon to throw a javelin that poisons enemies in a small area. The poison deals damage over time and can stack up to three times on a single opponent. The number of javelins thrown increases with each level, making it more effective at higher levels. The accuracy bonus also increases with each level, making it more likely to hit the target.

Skill Level 18 – Plague Javelin:

This skill is an improved version of Poison Javelin. When it hits the target, it explodes, creating a new and large cloud of poison. The attacks are slower, but the damage per second is higher. The accuracy bonus also increases with each level.

Skill Level 24 – Fend:

Fend is a powerful attack with no synergy. It attacks enemies within range and has a high bonus to damage and accuracy. However, it is designed for slower spears and requires the Amazon to allow herself to be surrounded to increase its effectiveness.

Skill Level 30 – Lightning Strike:

This skill is a magical attack that spreads lightning to other opponents upon hitting the target. The number of jumps depends on the skill level, making it more effective at higher levels. It is similar to Lightning Fury, but is designed for melee combat and deals almost half the damage.

7% and decreasing each level

A useful skill for melee fighters who want to avoid taking damage. However, it is not very effective against ranged attacks. It is worth investing a few points in this skill, especially for characters who rely on close combat.


Overall, the Amazon class offers a variety of skills and abilities that can be tailored to different playstyles. From ranged attacks to crowd control and offensive magic, there is something for everyone. It is important to invest in the right skills depending on your preferred playstyle and to experiment with different builds to find what works best for you.

The chance to dodge decreases by 7% per level

At higher levels, the Valkyrie and Decoy benefit fully from this ability. It is a valuable skill to invest in, especially for characters focused on offense/defense and either melee or ranged combat.

At level 12, the Avoid ability allows the heroine to dodge magic projectiles and arrows while standing still. This skill is particularly useful for defensive Amazon builds that prefer not to move around during combat.

Level 1

Level 20

Difference per level

Chance to dodge



The chance to dodge decreases by 7% per level

Again, the Valkyrie and Decoy benefit fully from this ability. It is particularly useful for ranged-oriented characters who want to avoid interrupting their attacks.

At level 12, Slow Missiles slows down targeted attacks, making them easier to avoid. This skill can be activated manually, but the Avoid ability is often a more convenient option. Slow Missiles is more useful for melee-oriented characters in certain situations.

Level 1

Level 20

Difference per level

Duration (seconds)




Slow Missiles is primarily useful for PvP fights and experienced players who can activate it quickly. Otherwise, its usefulness is limited.

Penetrate is a passive skill that increases the chance of hitting for ranged characters. However, the Blessed Aim aura from Desert Mercenaries negates much of the percentage gain from upgrading this skill.

Level 1

Level 20

Difference per level

Accuracy bonus




The Valkyrie benefits from Penetrate, but it adds a constant value of 40 points per level instead of a percentage increase.

Decoy creates a copy that distracts enemies from the Amazon for a short time. This spell is useful for offensive builds with low health/defense, particularly for characters using a bow with the Strafe skill. Investing in Decoy also improves the Valkyrie’s health by 20% per level.

Level 1

Level 20

Difference per level

Mana cost



The mana cost decreases by 1 per level after level 10

Duration (seconds)




Bonus to Decoy’s health




The Decoy skill can be used effectively to gather enemies in one area or for scouting purposes. However, it is important to note that if the Decoy is created far from the Amazon, enemies closer to her will attack instead.

At level 24, the Evade skill gives a chance to avoid attacks while moving. It is less useful than Dodge as the chance of avoidance is small.

Level 1

Level 20

Difference per level

Chance to dodge



6% and decreasing each level

The Valkyrie skill, available at level 30, allows the Amazon to summon a companion who will fight alongside her until it dies. This ability is useful for any build and is one of the strongest allies, with growing stats and the ability to fight with a spear. On higher difficulty levels, the Valkyrie may acquire random resistances and receive items to improve her statistics upon summoning.

Level 1

Level 20

Difference per level

Mana consumption




Bonus to damage




Accuracy bonus



20%; 40% from level 9



2 200


Bonus to defense




Finally, the Pierce skill is essential for characters using ranged weapons or throwing javelins. It gives the projectiles a chance to pierce through targets and fly further, making it an excellent complement to skills like Poison Javelin or Lightning Fury. However, it does not work with the Guided Arrow.

Level 1

Level 20

Difference per level

Chance to pierce



9% and decreasing each level

Bows and crossbows

At level 2, the Fire Arrow skill adds fire damage to the attack. Although it doesn’t provide much additional benefit, it can be useful to invest one point in this ability. Alternatively, the Magic Arrow or Cold Arrow skills may be better options.

Level 1

Level 20

Difference per level

Mana consumption




Accuracy bonus




Turns physical damage into magic




The first skill discussed is Fire Damage. This skill deals damage ranging from 1-4 at Level 1 and 63-70 at Level 20. It also has a bonus of approximately 2 to minimum and maximum damage. The second skill is Magic Arrow, which is made of mana and does not require arrows in the quiver. However, it does not work with the Pierce passive ability. Despite this, it is still a useful skill, especially when leveled up. Cold Arrow is another skill that adds frost damage and slows down enemies slightly. While it can be helpful at the beginning of the game, it is not recommended to invest too many points in it. Finally, Multiple Shot creates multiple arrows from one, with each arrow dealing reduced damage. However, all projectiles have the same power and bonuses, and investing in too many arrows can result in a high mana cost.

An effective area-of-effect skill that is worth investing in, but has high mana consumption at lower levels. The attack can be enhanced with additional magic damage, mana or health draining. The angle at which the next arrows diverge can be controlled by clicking attack (while holding Shift) or on enemies closer or farther away.

At Level 12, the Exploding Arrow causes additional area damage from the fire where it hit, making it a better version of Fire Arrow. The explosion damages enemies within 3 yards and can create more explosions if the arrow hits an enemy or obstacle thanks to Pierce.

Level 1

Level 20

Difference per level

Mana consumption




Fire damage



5 to min and max; increases from level 9

Accuracy bonus




If the build focuses on it, the ability is strong, but enemies with fire resistance may pose a problem.

At Level 18, the Ice Arrow is stronger than Cold Arrow and can freeze most enemies in place. However, it deals less damage than Freezing Arrow.

Level 1

Level 20

Difference per level

Mana consumption




Freeze damage



6 to min and max; 12 from level 9

Accuracy bonus




Duration of freezing (seconds)




The Guided Arrow at Level 18 is one of the weakest ranged attacks as the arrow looks for a target by itself, does not work with Pierce, and costs a lot of mana. The target closest to the Amazon is selected. Unlike Magic Arrow, it focuses on increasing attack power instead of accuracy.

Level 1

Level 20

Difference per level

Mana consumption




Bonus to damage




Level 24’s Strafe is a developed form of Multiple Shot, where the penalty of reduced damage by -25% decreases every level. From Level 5, bonus damage is gained. The attack always shoots one arrow and works similarly to Guided Arrow, where projectiles find their own targets, but the number of attacks is high from the beginning, and the mana consumption is constant.

Level 1

Level 20

Difference per level

Mana consumption




Additional damage bonus




Number of attacks



1; maximum 10 at level 6

One of the most effective attacks for Amazon’s bows.

Level 24 – Immolation Arrow

This fire attack creates an explosion at the point of impact (works with Pierce) and leaves a trail of fire for 3 seconds, which further reduces the health points of the target. It is a very powerful attack against enemies that are not immune to fire. The disadvantage is that it can only be fired every second.

Level 1

Level 20

Difference per level

Mana cost




Fire damage



13; 26 from level 9

Fire damage per second




Accuracy bonus




Level 30 – Freezing Arrow

Freezing Arrow is used with Freezing Arrow (except for bosses and special enemies, which are slowed down) and has a significant bonus to attack power and accuracy. Upon hitting the target, an ice explosion occurs, which freezes nearby enemies in addition to the target itself.

Level 1

Level 20

Difference per level

Mana cost




Bonus damage (cold)



10 to minimum and maximum; 15 from level 9

Accuracy bonus




It is a good skill, but its importance decreases at higher skill levels due to the reduction of freezing time to a minimum of 0.5 seconds.


What are the Amazon’s skills in Diablo 2 Resurrected?

The Amazon is a ranged class in Diablo 2 Resurrected with a variety of skills to choose from. The class has three skill trees: the Javelin and Spear tree, the Bow and Crossbow tree, and the Passive and Magic tree. The Javelin and Spear tree focuses on throwing and melee skills, the Bow and Crossbow tree focuses on ranged attacks, and the Passive and Magic tree provides passive skills and supportive abilities. Some notable skills include Charged Strike, Strafe, and Inner Sight. Players can choose which skills to invest in based on their preferred playstyle and the type of enemies they will face.

What is the best skill tree for the Amazon in Diablo 2 Resurrected?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question as the best skill tree for the Amazon in Diablo 2 Resurrected depends on the player’s preferred playstyle and the type of enemies they will face. However, the Bow and Crossbow tree is often considered the strongest for its powerful ranged attacks. Skills such as Strafe and Multi-Shot can deal massive damage to large groups of enemies. The Javelin and Spear tree is also a viable option, providing a mix of ranged and melee skills. Ultimately, players should choose the skill tree that best suits their playstyle and complements the rest of their build.

What is the difference between passive and active skills for the Amazon in Diablo 2 Resurrected?

Passive skills for the Amazon in Diablo 2 Resurrected are abilities that provide permanent benefits without requiring activation. Examples of passive skills include Critical Strike, which increases the chance of critical hits, and Penetrate, which increases the Amazon’s chance to hit enemies. Active skills, on the other hand, require activation and have a cooldown period before they can be used again. Examples of active skills include Fire Arrow, which imbues the Amazon’s arrows with fire damage, and Plague Javelin, which throws a javelin that leaves an area of poison damage on the ground. Players can invest in both passive and active skills to create a well-rounded Amazon build.

Can the Amazon in Diablo 2 Resurrected be played as a melee character?

Yes, the Amazon in Diablo 2 Resurrected can be played as a melee character by investing in the Javelin and Spear tree. This tree provides a variety of melee and throwing skills, such as Jab, which allows the Amazon to rapidly attack with a spear, and Lightning Strike, which imbues the Amazon’s spear with lightning damage. The Amazon can also use the Passive and Magic tree to increase their melee abilities, such as Dexterity, which increases the Amazon’s chance to hit with melee attacks. While the Amazon is primarily a ranged class, it is possible to create a viable melee build with the right skills and equipment.

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