Guide to “A Delicate Situation” Quest | Skyrim: Bruma

Here’s a guide to help you with the “A Delicate Situation” quest in Skyrim: Bruma. Currently, there’s a bug in the quest, but we have the solutions for you.

Starting point: Great Hall in Castle Bruma or the terrains near the castle.

Quest giver: Adius Vilius

If you’ve completed Adius’ previous quest of retrieving stolen artifacts, then you might meet a guard during one of your walks through the city. He’ll inform you about Captain Adius wanting to meet you. When you meet Adius, he’ll tell you about a cult that has radical views. He’ll ask you to solve the situation in a delicate way.

The cultists’ headquarters are far to the east.

The cultists’ location is far away towards the east. You’ll have to travel a long path to reach them. When you arrive at the camp, you’ll be approached by a woman named Aera the Devout. She’ll ask you about your visit. Tell her that you’re a Talos worshipper. Then, inform her that the captain of the guard is worried about their religious views.


Talk to the Talos worshippers about their situation.

Unfortunately, the quest is currently bugged (Patch 1.2), and it’s impossible to finish it. The developers have promised that the quest will work properly in the new version. However, you can use the following workarounds in the meantime. Press ” ‘ ” and type one of the following commands to see how the quest should have ended:

  1. setstage CYRBrumaMS08 21 – In this variant, the Talos worshippers remain hidden and continue worshipping Talos. Go to the captain for your reward (750 gold).
  2. setstage CYRBrumaMS08 31 – Here, you’ve convinced Talos worshippers to stop their practices. The captain is pleased and gives you 750 gold.
  3. setstage CYRBrumaMS08 41 – In this variant, you’ve encouraged the worshippers to continue worshipping Talos and stop hiding. The captain fears the potential effects of their actions but still gives you 750 gold.
  4. setstage CYRBrumaMS08 50 – This is the most drastic ending for this quest. You’ve killed Talos worshippers and gone to the captain who’s now furious about what you’ve done. You receive no reward.



What are “Delicate Situation” quests in the game?

“Delicate Situation” quests are a type of quest in the game that require players to use a delicate touch to complete. These quests usually involve interacting with NPCs or completing a task without causing harm or attracting attention. They often require players to use stealth or diplomacy to achieve their goals, instead of brute force or combat. Completing these quests successfully often yields unique rewards, such as valuable items or access to new areas of the game.

How do I know if a quest is a “Delicate Situation” quest?

“Delicate Situation” quests are usually labeled as such in the game’s quest log or journal. They may also be identified by the type of task or objective they require, such as avoiding detection or negotiating with an NPC. Additionally, the game may provide hints or tips on how to approach these quests, such as suggesting the use of non-violent solutions or caution in certain areas.

Are “Delicate Situation” quests required to progress in the game?

While some “Delicate Situation” quests may be required to progress in the game’s main story or unlock certain areas, many are optional side quests that provide additional challenges and rewards. Players can choose to complete these quests or skip them entirely, depending on their playstyle and goals. However, completing these quests can provide a more immersive and rewarding gameplay experience, as well as unique storylines and items.

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