How to Boost Your Opportunism Skill in Plague Tale Requiem

This section of the Plague Tale Requiem guide covers how to increase your Opportunism skill and what actions can hinder your progress. By following the tips below, you’ll be able to level up Amicia’s Opportunism and unlock all four skills.

As you play through Plague Tale: Requiem, you’ll have the opportunity to develop Amicia’s skills. However, increasing Opportunism can be tricky. This guide will explain why your Opportunism bar may not be increasing and how to gain XP in this category.

  • Opportunism Skill Bar
  • Ways to Increase Opportunism

Opportunism Skill Bar

Opportunism is one of Amicia’s three skill categories in Plague Tale Requiem. It has its own separate bar in the skills menu, allowing you to track your progress. There are a total of four Opportunism skills to unlock.

However, the bar might not change or may fill up slowly, making it difficult to increase your Opportunism skill. Read on to find out how to overcome this challenge.

Ways to Increase Opportunism

The key to increasing your Opportunism skill is to use Amicia’s gadgets without directly killing enemies. Here are some examples:

  1. Create new light sources with Ignifer.
  2. Extinguish light sources with Exstinguis.
  3. Lure rats away with Odoris.
  4. Shoot bags or hanging fish with your sling.

It’s important not to kill enemies directly by shooting them with the sling/crossbow or setting them on fire with tar and Ignifers. Doing so grants Aggression points instead of Opportunism points.

At the end of each encounter, you’ll gain experience in one of your skill categories, including Opportunism. Only then will you know if your playstyle has rewarded you with Opportunism points.

For more information on Amicia’s skills and gear, check out the separate character development page in the game’s basics chapter.


What is Opportunism in Plague Tale Requiem?

Opportunism is one of the character attributes in Plague Tale Requiem. It represents a character’s ability to take advantage of opportunities that arise during gameplay. High Opportunism allows the player to perform more powerful attacks, use more effective weapons, and access new areas of the game world.

How can I increase my Opportunism in Plague Tale Requiem?

There are several ways to increase your Opportunism in Plague Tale Requiem. One way is to explore the game world thoroughly and search for hidden areas and collectibles. Another way is to complete side quests and objectives, which often reward the player with valuable items and upgrades. Additionally, defeating enemies and bosses can also increase your Opportunism, as they provide experience points and skill points that can be used to upgrade your character’s abilities.

Are there any specific skills or upgrades that increase Opportunism in Plague Tale Requiem?

Yes, there are several skills and upgrades that directly increase your Opportunism in Plague Tale Requiem. These include the “Opportunist” skill, which increases the amount of experience points earned from Opportunism actions, and the “Opportunist’s Eye” upgrade, which highlights nearby interactable objects and enemies. Additionally, upgrading your weapons and gear can also increase your Opportunism by making you more effective in combat.

Is it important to increase my Opportunism in Plague Tale Requiem?

Yes, increasing your Opportunism is important in Plague Tale Requiem as it allows you to access new areas and abilities, and makes you more effective in combat. It can also make the game more enjoyable by providing a sense of progression and accomplishment. However, it is not necessary to max out your Opportunism in order to complete the game, and players can choose to focus on other attributes or playstyles if they prefer.

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