Infiltration of Military Airport during Final Training

Scaling the Fence

The mission starts in a small parking lot in the southern section of the map (M2,1). Avoid walking near the gatehouse as you will be stopped. Instead, locate a spot on the fence without entanglements and climb over it (M2,2). After jumping over, move cautiously to avoid being seen by airport security guards and Soviet soldiers.

Eliminating the Security Guard for Disguise

Prior to entering the main airport building, acquire a disguise to help you move through enemy territory. One option is to go to the western gatehouse (M2,3) and take down the airfield security guard stationed there. However, be careful not to be seen by any Soviet soldiers, and hide the guard’s body in a chest after the attack.

Stunning a Soviet Soldier for Disguise

A better option is to obtain a Soviet soldier disguise, which will permit entry into the first level of the main airport building. You can attack a soldier at the western gatehouse or reach the generator in the narrow passage east of the building (M2,6) early in the mission. Sabotaging this generator will turn off nearby reflectors, prompting a soldier to investigate. You can then ambush him and take his clothes.

Scaling the Gutter to Reach Levels 1 or 2 of the Building

The central building has a few entrances (M2,4)(M2,5). If you are using the security guard disguise, avoid the southern main entrance. If you are wearing the soldier disguise, steer clear of the northern hangar entrance – individuals in these areas may recognize Agent 47 based on his attire.

Another way of accessing the building is by climbing the gutters in its northern corners (M2,7)(M2,8). This allows Agent 47 to enter one of the key buildings on level 1 (M2,3)(M2,7) or the roof of the building on level 2 (M2,11).

Soldiers and Mechanics can Access Level 1

After entering the main building, take time to familiarize yourself with the room layout. On the ground floor, visit the eastern locker room to acquire the Hangar Mechanic Disguise (M2,3).

Only Soviet soldiers and mechanics may enter the first floor. The latter are prohibited from entering the KGB officer office (M2,3) and the radio room (M2,7). If you are using a soldier disguise, avoid the guard patrolling the eastern balconies on level 1. There is no need to explore floors 2 and 3.


What is military airport infiltration?

Military airport infiltration is a tactic used by special forces to gain access to a highly secured military airfield. The goal of infiltration is to perform reconnaissance, gather intelligence, sabotage or rescue operations. Infiltration can be done through various means, including parachuting, sneaking through fences, using camouflage or disguising as airport personnel.

What is final training for military airport infiltration?

Final training for military airport infiltration is the last stage of the training program for special forces. This training is designed to test the skills and knowledge of the trainees in a simulated airport environment. The training includes various scenarios that the trainees must navigate to infiltrate the airfield and complete their objective. The scenarios can involve overcoming obstacles, avoiding detection, taking out guards, and navigating through the complex layout of the airport. The final training is crucial to ensure that the trainees are fully prepared to execute a successful infiltration mission in a real-world situation.

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