Kingdom Come Deliverance: Combat Guide

This guide page provides tips and information about melee and ranged combat in Kingdom Come: Deliverance.

Combat is a crucial and intricate part of the game. To learn the basics, visit the training camp. This guide page includes essential details about the combat system and useful tips to help you win battles and avoid serious injuries.

  • Melee weapons
  • Ranged weapons
  • Armor
  • Advanced melee moves
  • Health and stamina bars
  • Dealing with multiple enemies
  • Retreating from the battlefield or surrendering
  • Avoiding combat

Melee weapons

Kingdom Come: Deliverance offers various types of melee weapons. Consider a few important factors when selecting a weapon for your character.

  1. Check the weapon’s stat requirements (e.g., 5 Strength points). Don’t use a weapon if Henry’s stats are not high enough as it will be less effective. Use weaker weapons until you improve your required parameter by fighting and sparring.
  2. Consider the damage type (stab, slash, or blunt). Each type is effective against different enemies. Sharp weapons are ideal for attacking enemies without armor or with light armor. Blunt weapons, like hammers, are more effective against heavily armored enemies. Check the weapon’s stats to determine its damage type.
  3. Check the weapon’s durability. Worn-out weapons are less efficient and deal less damage. Weapons from traders or stolen from houses usually have 100% durability, but those found on corpses may be worn out. You can try to fix them with a grindstone, but it’s risky. Paying a blacksmith for repairs is a safer option.
  4. One-handed or two-handed? Each type has pros and cons. One-handed weapons let you use a shield for better protection.

Ranged weapons

Bows are available in Kingdom Come: Deliverance, but they can be challenging to use since the game aims for realism and doesn’t provide crosshairs. Practice on a shooting range to learn the arrows’ trajectory before using them in real combat. Bows are useful when fighting with other characters as they can provide cover while you shoot.

Note that your character’s proficiency in using a bow only increases when attacking enemies or animals and while on the shooting range with a trainer. Shooting into the air with no target does not improve your skill.

Armor in Kingdom Come: Deliverance

In Kingdom Come: Deliverance, armor is not simply a single layer that your character wears. Instead, it is made up of multiple parts that can be equipped in different slots, such as breastplates, gloves, boots, and headpieces. The armor is divided into three categories: light, medium, and heavy. However, you can mix and match these categories based on your preferences for protection and mobility.

It is worth noting that armor can become damaged and lose its effectiveness when hit in specific body parts. You can repair the armor yourself with repair kits or pay specialists to do it for you. Additionally, certain pieces of armor can affect your character’s visibility and noise level, which can impact your ability to sneak around undetected.

Equipping rings and necklaces in their respective slots has no impact on your hero’s stats, but they can affect the way NPCs interact with you based on your character’s appearance.

Mastering Melee Combat in Kingdom Come: Deliverance

Simply swinging your sword wildly is not an effective combat tactic in Kingdom Come: Deliverance. To become a skilled fighter, you should visit the training camp led by Master Bernard during the Train Hard, Fight Easy quest. Here, you can learn important combat moves and practice them in sparring matches without fear of death.

It is crucial to learn advanced melee moves to succeed in combat. Some of the most important moves to focus on include:

Combat Techniques in Kingdom Come: Deliverance

If you want to master the combat system in Kingdom Come: Deliverance, you need to practice different techniques. Here are some of the most important ones:

  1. Blocking attacks. Keep an eye on the small shield icon, which shows the right time to block. Practice blocking with both a sword and a shield.
  2. Counterattacks. This move can be used only after a perfect block. Use it frequently for better results.
  3. Attacking different body parts. Practice this technique to avoid your attacks being blocked by enemies.
  4. Feigning attacks to specific body parts. These moves are difficult but can help you weaken well-trained enemies who can block most of your standard attacks.
  5. Using combo attacks. Combos deal consecutive damage, but you need to remember the attacks that should follow each other. Each swing must hit the target for the combo to work.
  6. Dodging. Use dodges as an alternative to blocks when your hero is weak and needs time to recover. They are also useful when facing multiple enemies.

Health and Stamina Bars

Pay attention to your health and stamina bars during combat in Kingdom Come: Deliverance. Ignoring them can have serious consequences. Here’s what you need to know:

  1. Interestingly, the stamina bar is more significant than the health bar. This is because you have to keep a constant eye on it during a fight. It decreases when you perform an attack or an action that requires physical effort, as well as when you are hit. It acts as an additional health bar, and the “real” health only decreases after the stamina is fully depleted. Keep in mind that stamina cannot protect you from unique attacks such as being shot in the head.
  2. Stamina can regenerate during a fight, but only when you stop using attacks and other actions that require stamina. After attacking or hitting the target (whether successful or not), keep your distance from the enemy to allow stamina to regenerate. Only return to the fight when your stamina has reached a sufficient level to perform more attacks. Certain perks can enhance your stamina.
  3. You can only lose health when you receive damage that cannot be “absorbed” by the stamina bar. This is highly undesirable because health cannot regenerate itself. Additionally, you can only heal your wounds after you have finished the fight(s). Therefore, you must approach each fight with the mindset that your health bar should last throughout the entire battle. Make sure that your health bar lasts for the entire fight.
  4. However, there are situations where healing your hero may be more challenging, such as when your character has a broken arm or leg, or when an enemy has inflicted a negative status (e.g. bleeding). In such situations, in addition to regular health regeneration, you must use health potions or bandages.

Note – During fights, you will notice another purple bar displayed at the bottom of your screen. This bar represents the health of the enemy currently “locked-on” or the one you are facing at that particular moment. This allows you to estimate your opponent’s resistance and how much damage you need to inflict on them.

Facing Multiple Enemies

Combat in Kingdom Come: Deliverance is most effective when facing a single opponent. This gives you complete control over when and how to attack or retreat, plan your next move, and wait for stamina to regenerate. Unfortunately, some fights require you to defeat multiple enemies, forcing you to change your approach. Here are a few tips:

  1. Always be prepared to block incoming attacks from enemies as they won’t stand still. Keep them in view and don’t let them get behind you.
  2. Don’t attack until your stamina is fully depleted, especially when facing multiple enemies. Move away when stamina is at 2/3 and wait for it to fully regenerate.
  3. Prioritize defeating enemies with bows or short health bars first and limit their numbers quickly.
  4. Assist your companions in battle but be careful not to hurt them with your swings.
  5. The camera can be locked on the nearest enemy, but this can be turned off for more control over movement on the battlefield.

Retreating or Surrendering during Battle

Even with high-class gear and preparation, some fights may be too difficult. You can escape from a battlefield without failing a quest or getting a game over. Avoid enemy archers and disappear from their view. Surrender is also an option when your hero is near death and reloading a previous save is not possible. However, not all enemies accept surrender.

It is important to surrender if you wish to initiate a meeting with the guard hunting the protagonist. Then, you can decide how to proceed (pay the price, go to jail, use persuasion, etc.).

Avoiding Combat

Avoiding combat is possible in some situations. This can be useful for encounters with strong enemies or to play as a character who relies on persuasion and does not want to kill an important NPC.

Stealth is the primary way to avoid combat, allowing you to avoid groups of enemies or steal quest items without alarming anyone. Scout the area, wear clothes that make you harder to detect, and sneak at night if possible.

To avoid conflicts, one can utilize distinct dialogue options that relate to speech. This approach is particularly effective when interacting with aggressive NPCs. Successfully persuading, impressing, intimidating, or bribing them can alter their disposition towards the player character, thereby preventing any potential attacks. Nonetheless, success is not always guaranteed, so it is advisable to save the game before any risky encounters. In cases where persuasion fails, explore alternative dialogue options.


What is Kingdom Come Deliverance?

Kingdom Come Deliverance is an open-world action role-playing game developed by Warhorse Studios. The game is set in the medieval Kingdom of Bohemia and follows the story of Henry, a blacksmith’s son who becomes involved in a quest for revenge after his family is killed. The game features a realistic combat system, which makes use of a variety of weapons and armor, and allows players to engage in both melee and ranged combat. The game also features a deep crafting system, a reputation system, and a dynamic world that changes based on the player’s actions.

How does combat work in Kingdom Come Deliverance?

The combat system in Kingdom Come Deliverance is based on historical European martial arts and is designed to be as realistic as possible. Players must take into account their character’s stamina, the weight of their weapons and armor, and the direction and strength of their attacks. Blocking and dodging are also important skills to master, as well as choosing the right weapon for the situation. The game also features a range of special attacks and combos that can be unlocked as the player progresses. Overall, combat in Kingdom Come Deliverance requires patience, skill, and strategy, and is one of the most challenging and rewarding aspects of the game.

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