
Reunification of Skyrim – p.2 | Imperial Legion Quests

New Main Objective: Regain Winterhold Hold

Exit the castle and check the world map. Your destination is the Winterhold Imperial Camp in the northern part of the map (as shown above). If you haven’t been there before, it’s best to travel from Dawnstar and head east.

The camp is located high in the mountains, so it’s advisable to travel by horse. Watch out for wild animals along the way. After a while, you’ll reach the camp (as shown above).

Explore the Imperial camp and look for Legate Rikke (as shown above). She’ll inform you that your next mission is to capture Fort Kastav, which involves rescuing some imprisoned Legionnaires in addition to eliminating enemy soldiers. A group of scouts has been dispatched to assist you. The Rescue from Fort Kastav quest will be activated. Refer to its guide as only by completing it can you proceed with the Reunification of Skyrim.

Unlocked Imperial Legion Quest: Rescue from Fort Kastav

New Main Objective: Report to General Tullius #4

This objective will appear in your journal upon completion of the Rescue from Fort Kastav quest. Go to Castle Dour in Solitude on the world map and speak to General Tullius (as shown above). He’ll congratulate you on your success, promote you to the rank of Legate, and provide Armor suitable for your character’s level. Before attacking Windhelm, the next step is to capture Eastmarch.

New Main Objective: Regain Eastmarch

Exit the castle and check the world map. Your destination is the Eastmarch Imperial Camp (as shown above). If you’ve been there before, you can use Fast Travel. Otherwise, it’s a long journey as there are no major cities nearby. It’s best to start from Windhelm and head southeast.

Be cautious as you may encounter wild animals and Giants on your way to the camp. It’s best to approach from the west (as shown above).

Upon arrival, look for Legate Rikke and receive your next mission (as shown above). She’ll instruct you to capture Fort Amol, activating the Battle for Fort Amol quest. Refer to its guide as only by completing it can you proceed with the Reunification of Skyrim.

Unlocked Imperial Legion Quest: Battle for Fort Amol

Once you’ve finished the Battle for Fort Amol quest, return to the Eastmarch Imperial Camp and report to Legate Rikke (as shown above). She’ll send you to Windhelm to join the rest of the Legionnaires in attacking the Stormcloak headquarters. The Battle for Windhelm quest will be activated. Refer to its guide to complete the current quest.

You have unlocked the Imperial Legion quest titled “Battle for Windhelm”.

New objective: Report to General Tullius #5

Once you have completed the Battle for Windhelm quest, which involves taking over the Stormcloaks stronghold and killing Ulfric, you can proceed with the current quest. Head to the Palace of the Kings in Windhelm (shown in the above screenshot) and speak to General Tullius. He will allow you to keep the weapon used to defeat Ulfric.

If you wish to hear Tullius’s speech, exit the palace (as seen in the screenshot) and listen in. Don’t worry about the city’s current state of ruins as it will not prevent you from completing other quests in the area. After a few days have passed, return to Windhelm to find that it has been rebuilt and bustling with citizens once more. Congratulations on your success!


What are the main objectives of the Imperial Legion quests in Skyrim?

The main objectives of the Imperial Legion quests in Skyrim are to unite all of the holds in Skyrim under the rule of the Imperial Empire. This is done by completing a series of quests in each hold, which usually involve helping the local Imperial garrison defeat the Stormcloak rebels. The quests may also involve tasks such as retrieving important documents or assassinating key enemy leaders.

Are there any consequences to choosing to side with the Imperial Legion in Skyrim?

Choosing to side with the Imperial Legion in Skyrim will have consequences for the player character and the game world. Firstly, if the player character chooses to side with the Legion, they will become enemies with the Stormcloak rebels and will not be able to complete their quests. Secondly, the player character may encounter resistance from some of the citizens of Skyrim who are loyal to the Stormcloak cause. Finally, the outcome of the civil war will affect the political landscape of Skyrim and determine which faction will have control over the land.

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