
Strange Bedfellows

How to start: Meet with Ritts or the guard at the road.

Quest provider: Ritts (M3,23a) or the guard at the road (M3,23)

The only guard

While traveling south, if you come across the guard (M3,23), he will inform you about his missing friend Ritts (M3,23a) and request you to find her. To receive this mission, it is not necessary to talk to the guard first. Ritts can be found standing in front of the Southern citadel that is currently under attack by apostates.


Assist her and then, explore the area for clues. Afterward, speak with Ritts – you can persuade her to join the Inquisition, which will provide you with a new agent. Finally, inform the sad guard about the entire situation.

Rewards upon completion:

  • Experience (medium)
  • 80 Influence points
  • 2 Power points
  • A new agent


1. What does the term “strange bedfellows” mean?

The expression “strange bedfellows” refers to an unlikely alliance or partnership between two or more people, groups, or organizations that have different goals, values, or interests. It implies that the collaboration is unusual or unexpected, and may involve compromising one’s principles or beliefs for the sake of a common cause. The origin of the phrase comes from the idea that two people who would not normally share a bed may be forced to do so due to unusual circumstances, such as being stranded in a snowstorm.

2. Can you give an example of a strange bedfellows situation in history?

One famous example of strange bedfellows is the alliance between the United States and the Soviet Union during World War II. Despite being ideological enemies, the two countries joined forces to defeat Nazi Germany, which was a common enemy. However, this alliance was short-lived and tensions between the US and the USSR resumed after the war.

3. Is it possible for strange bedfellows to have a successful partnership?

Yes, it is possible for strange bedfellows to have a successful partnership, but it requires compromise, communication, and a shared goal. Both parties must be willing to put aside their differences and work towards a common objective. However, success may be temporary and the partnership may dissolve once the goal is achieved or new conflicts arise.

4. What are some potential risks of a strange bedfellows partnership?

The risks of a strange bedfellows partnership include distrust, conflict, and the potential for betrayal. Each party may have hidden agendas or ulterior motives that could undermine the partnership. Additionally, the partnership may damage the reputation or credibility of one or both parties if the alliance is seen as hypocritical or contradictory.

5. How can you navigate a strange bedfellows partnership effectively?

To navigate a strange bedfellows partnership effectively, it is important to establish clear goals, expectations, and boundaries from the outset. Communication is key, and both parties should be transparent about their intentions and concerns. It may also be helpful to have a mediator or neutral third party to facilitate discussions and resolve conflicts. Lastly, both parties should be willing to adapt and compromise as needed to ensure the success of the partnership.

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