The Battle for Fort Greenwall | Imperial Legion Quests

New Objective: Join the soldiers attacking Fort Greenwall

Note! This mission is part of the Reunification of Skyrim main Imperial Legion Quest and must be completed to proceed to the next part.

When you open the world map, you’ll see that your allied troops are waiting for the attack order a short distance from Fort Greenwall (as shown above). Therefore, it’s not recommended to use Fast Travel. The fort is situated to the north of Riften. If you unlocked Shore’s Stone during your meeting with Hadvar, it’s best to start your journey there and head southwest.

You won’t have to search for other soldiers to join the battle this time, as they will be waiting out in the open for you to arrive (as shown above). Save your game and approach them to begin the fight.

New Objective: Take control of Fort Greenwall by defeating the enemy

Map labels: 1 – northwest main entrance; 2 – southeast main entrance; 3 – small entrance (collapsed wall fragment); 4 – upper courtyard where archers are mostly positioned.

The battle follows the same principles as the previous one, so your goal is to eliminate the enemy soldiers, as you can only win by killing enough of them. Be prepared for new enemies to appear throughout the battle. Unfortunately, the game cheats a little, as enemy soldiers not only come out of the buildings but also appear on the fort’s walls virtually out of nowhere.

There are three ways to enter the fort. The most obvious one is through the northeast entrance (as shown above). Be prepared for enemy archers on the surrounding walls. Additionally, there are two rows of barricades blocking the way to the courtyard (the first row is easy to get through).

The second entrance is through the northwest (as shown above). It’s not particularly interesting, as there are also two rows of barricades here.

The third entrance is from the southwest (as shown above). There’s only one barricade to break through, and it shouldn’t be guarded by enemy soldiers, making it a perfect choice for a character who prefers ranged combat.

If you prefer close combat, choose either of the fort entrances and attack the enemies on the main courtyard (as shown above).

For now, ignore the enemy soldiers occupying the surrounding walls and the upper courtyard in the north part of the fort (as shown above), as there are quite a lot of them there. However, sooner or later, you’ll need to take care of them, especially to stop the enemy archers from attacking you and your allies.

If you want to attack the Stormcloak soldiers from a safe distance, head to the walls as soon as you enter the fort. Find a good observation spot, such as the tower in the northwest part of the fort (as shown above). Position yourself and start taking out the enemies.

The objective is to keep fighting until the “strength” parameter reaches 0%. This will cause the remaining forces to retreat, as shown in the screenshot. Once this is accomplished, the mission is complete and you can continue with the main objective of reuniting Skyrim by reporting to General Tullius.


What is the Battle for Fort Greenwall quest?

The Battle for Fort Greenwall is a quest in the Imperial Legion storyline in Skyrim. In this quest, the player needs to help the Imperial Legion conquer Fort Greenwall, which is a stronghold of the Stormcloak rebels. The player needs to eliminate all the rebels in the fort and capture the fort. Once the fort is captured, the player needs to report to General Tullius and receive a reward for completing the quest.

How do I start the Battle for Fort Greenwall quest?

The Battle for Fort Greenwall quest is part of the Imperial Legion storyline in Skyrim. To start this quest, the player needs to join the Imperial Legion and complete the prerequisite quests. The prerequisite quests include “Joining the Legion,” “The Jagged Crown,” and “Message to Whiterun.” Once these quests are completed, General Tullius will give the player the quest to capture Fort Greenwall. The quest can also be obtained by talking to Legate Rikke in the Palace of the Kings in Windhelm.

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