Transportation Options in Dragon Age Inquisition

It’s not just a regular horse

Exploring the vast world of Dragon Age Inquisition can be made easier by using mounts such as horses, stags, dragonlisks, and exotic creatures. Mounts can be summoned with a single button press and will appear next to your character. However, they cannot be summoned in confined spaces or during combat. Horses are particularly useful for traveling long distances and can even survive jumps from high cliffs. Once obtained, mounts remain with you for the rest of the game but cannot be used for attacking enemies. If you are hit while riding a mount, it disappears until you summon it again. Additionally, you cannot scan the area while mounted, so exploration must be done manually.

The first horse can be obtained in the Hinterlands by completing the Equerry mission for Master Dennet. Once you reach Skyhold, you can buy different mounts from the stables and store. Although the mounts have different appearances and sounds, their speed is constant. However, they do differ in their ability to withstand damage.

Some mounts are more resistant than others

When mounted, your party disappears and reappears when you dismount, making exploration easier. However, riding a mount disables the scanning option, so players must pay close attention to their surroundings. It’s important to note that mounts cannot be summoned in underground areas or buildings.


What are mounts in Dragon Age Inquisition?

Mounts are animals that players can ride in Dragon Age Inquisition. They are used to traverse the vast open world of Thedas and make travel faster and more enjoyable. There are several different mounts available, including horses, dracolisks, and nuggalopes. Each mount has its own unique appearance and abilities.

How do you obtain mounts in Dragon Age Inquisition?

Mounts can be obtained by completing quests, purchasing them from merchants, or finding them in the wild. Some mounts require special items or quests to obtain. For example, the Fereldan Forder mount can be obtained by completing the quest “Horses for the Inquisition” in the Hinterlands. The Armored Mount can be purchased from the Suledin Keep merchant after completing the “Call Me Imshael” quest.

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