Ugly Love | Quests in the game

The Restful Watchman is the starting point for this quest.

Dumrag Gro-Morrg is the person who gives the quest.

While in the tavern, you will meet an orc mercenary who was attacked by a group of other mercenaries. His wife is now imprisoned, and he barely survived the battle. He asks for your help in finding his wife. You are to go to the castle and ask the nobles if they know anything about the incident.

Speak with Affana and learn interesting things about Simund.

Once you are inside the castle, head to the Banquet Hall (next to the Throne Room) and speak with Affana Eddici. She tells you that one of the nobles recruits mercenaries. She recommends that you read his journal and gives you a key to his room. In exchange, she asks you to leave her note there, which you should agree to.

Head to the Guest’s Wing. Use the key to open the door, then go to the desk and take Simund’s journal. Leave Affana’s note there as well. Return to the main hall and speak with Rignar. Convince him that you are working for a good cause and he will check his registries. When he returns, he will confirm your suspicions regarding Simund.

Go to Dumrag and tell him everything you have learned. He won’t believe you that Simund is responsible for the ambush, so he asks you to go to his mansion and gather evidence. The mansion is located east of Bruma in the mountains. When you approach the mansion, a guard will attack you. After defeating them, enter the building and defeat another guard. Then, go upstairs and take a letter from the desk, which confirms Simund’s fault.

Destroy the barrel and go down.

Return to Dumrag, and he will become angry. He wants you to go with him to Simund’s house and get revenge. Go back to the mansion with Dumrag. During his search, he finds a trap door. Destroy the barrel and go down.

The end of this embarrassing situation depends on you.

The discovery you make is that Simund and Dumrag’s wife are having an affair. After a fuss, the orc will ask you what he should do. You can tell him to forget about his revenge, order him to kill Simund, or say that he should make a choice himself (in this case, he kills both characters). You will receive a reward from Dumrag, and the quest will end.


1. What is Ugly Love in the game?

Ugly Love is a type of quest in the game that involves romance and heartbreak. These quests are usually initiated by a non-playable character who needs help with their love life. The player is tasked with finding out what went wrong in the relationship and helping the NPC reconcile with their partner. The quest can have multiple outcomes depending on the player’s actions, and the rewards can vary from in-game currency to unique items.

2. How do I initiate an Ugly Love quest?

Ugly Love quests can be initiated in several ways. Some NPCs will approach the player directly and ask for their help, while others will have the quest available on a bulletin board or in a quest log. Players can also trigger Ugly Love quests by taking certain actions or completing specific tasks in the game. For example, if a player helps an NPC with their business, they may be rewarded with an Ugly Love quest as a thank you.

3. Are Ugly Love quests necessary to complete the game?

No, Ugly Love quests are not necessary to complete the game. They are optional side-quests that players can choose to undertake if they are interested in the romance aspect of the game. However, completing Ugly Love quests can unlock unique items and abilities that can be useful in other parts of the game, so it may be worth pursuing them for the benefits they offer.

4. Can I fail an Ugly Love quest?

Yes, it is possible to fail an Ugly Love quest. The outcome of the quest depends on the player’s actions, and if they make the wrong choices or fail to complete the quest on time, they may not be able to help the NPC reconcile with their partner. In some cases, the quest may end in heartbreak for the NPC, which can have negative consequences for the player’s reputation in the game.

5. Are there any tips for completing Ugly Love quests successfully?

There are several tips that can help players complete Ugly Love quests successfully. First, it is important to listen carefully to the NPC’s story and try to understand their partner’s perspective. This can help players make the right choices and avoid making mistakes that could lead to failure. Second, players should pay attention to the clues and hints provided in the quest log or bulletin board, as these can give valuable information about the quest. Finally, players should be patient and persistent, as some Ugly Love quests can be challenging and require multiple attempts to complete successfully.

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