Elex: Who is the easiest to add to your team?

The easiest companion to add to your team is Duras. You will encounter him early on in the game and later on, he can be found in Goliet, standing in front of the stairs leading to Ragnar’s dwelling. In order for Duras to join your team permanently, you must complete the “Berserker Warrior” quest – which you can start by agreeing to help Duras solve the mystery of Askor’s death. Your task will be to interrogate the witnesses. After the investigation, you will discover that Duras is responsible for the killing. You can either tell Ragnar the truth or lie to him. If you choose the former, you will have to fight Duras, which will not be an easy battle. However, if you opt for the latter, Duras will be grateful and will join your team permanently.

The Small Camp is where your new companions will stay initially.

Having a companion by your side while traveling is highly advantageous. Your companion can assist you in combat, allowing you to defeat multiple enemies that you wouldn’t be able to handle on your own, while still gaining all the experience points. It is essential to remember that your companions are not invincible and can be killed while fighting more powerful beasts. The location of your companions is marked on the map by a special indicator – after a companion joins your team and then separates, they go to the Small Camp (as seen in the above picture). This is their home until you find a better hideout.


1. What are the criteria for determining who is the easiest to recruit in Elex?

In Elex, there are several factors that can influence the ease of recruiting a character. These include their faction, their relationship with the player character, their level, and their personality traits. Some characters may be more inclined to join the player’s team if they share the same faction or if they have a positive relationship with the player. Others may require certain quests or tasks to be completed before they will consider joining the team.

2. Are there any characters in Elex that are particularly easy to recruit?

Yes, there are several characters in Elex that are known to be relatively easy to recruit. For example, Duras, a member of the Berserkers faction, is often cited as one of the easiest characters to recruit due to his friendly nature and his willingness to help the player. Additionally, several other members of the Berserkers faction, as well as some of the Outlaws and Clerics, can be relatively easy to recruit if the player meets certain criteria.

3. What are some of the challenges that players may face when trying to recruit characters in Elex?

One of the biggest challenges that players may face when trying to recruit characters in Elex is convincing them to join the player’s team. Many characters have their own agendas and motivations, and may require certain tasks or quests to be completed before they will consider joining the player. Additionally, some characters may be more difficult to recruit if the player has a negative reputation with their faction, or if the player has made choices that are opposed to the character’s beliefs or values.

4. How can players increase their chances of recruiting characters in Elex?

There are several strategies that players can use to increase their chances of recruiting characters in Elex. One of the most important is to build up a positive reputation with the character’s faction, as this can make them more likely to trust and respect the player. Additionally, completing quests and tasks that are aligned with the character’s goals or beliefs can help to build a relationship with them. Finally, players can also try to appeal to a character’s personality traits, such as by using charm or intimidation to convince them to join the team.

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