
Nier Automata: Walkthrough for Route C and Route D Endings

On this page of the Nier Automata game guide, you will find a walkthrough for Route C and Route D endings. You will learn how to defeat either 9S or A2 in the final battle and also how to unlock major endings C, D, and E.

  • Route C and D Main Endings – Basic Information
  • Ending C – Allying with A2
  • Ending D – Allying with 9S
  • Ending E – How to Unlock?

Route C and D Main Endings – Basic Information

As a reminder, Route C and Route D cover chapters 11-17, and you can play them after completing Route A and Route B. You can choose the ending in the Chapter 17 finale, and your previous choices and progress do not affect events in the end.

After dealing with KO-Shi and Ro-Shi bosses in Chapter 17, you can choose to end the game for the first time. A2 and 9S will face each other with hostile intentions. Now, you have to choose a side and ally with either A2 or 9S. This choice will force you to join the fight against 9S or A2 and will affect whether the C or D ending will be unlocked.

After unlocking and watching one of the endings, the Chapter Select option will be available, allowing you to repeat completed chapters (whole or fragments of them). This will allow you to experience the second of the main endings and unlock the special ending E. After loading the save from the main menu, select the Chapter Select option and then chapter 17-09 (as shown above). This will allow you to return to the point of choosing which hero to ally with and choose differently than the first time.

The main endings of Route C and Route D involve the risk of losing your saves, which we describe in more detail in the section Ending E – How to Unlock?, regarding the “final” ending available after watching C and D. Before proceeding to ending E, make sure you can create a copy of the game state. You can find information on how to do it on a separate page – Saves Backup – How to Create?. This can protect you from losing the progress of the last few dozen hours of the game.

Ending C – Allying with A2

To unlock this ending, you have to choose A2 to play the finale of the campaign. This is the second option, and you have to confirm the choice (Yes).

If you take the side of A2, 9S will become the final boss of the game. You can attack 9S in hand-to-hand combat or at a distance (be sure to lock the camera and use offensive pod programs). The boss uses ranged attacks (and also pods), so be prepared to use dodges frequently.

While controlling A2, you can attempt to activate the berserk mode, although since 9S is a fast opponent and generally avoids close combat, it may be difficult to use this mode.

The article provides a guide on how to defeat 9S and A2 in the game. 9S can create a dome to limit movements, and players should try to move away from the attack. If they are caught in the dome, they should try to escape as quickly as possible. A2, on the other hand, may try to hack the player, and they must complete a mini-game to protect themselves. Players should jump over shockwaves and hack A2 to reduce her health. After defeating 9S or A2, players will enter cyberspace, where they must follow the path to reach the exit. The article also explains how to unlock ending D by choosing 9S and defeating A2.

If you have already seen endings C and D, move on to the next part of the guide. You will have the chance to view ending E after the game displays the end credits.

Unlocking ending E requires that you watch endings C and D in any order. After viewing the second ending, you will be asked if you want to “Accept the Pod’s request” – choose Yes. Then, after a conversation between the pods, you will be asked if you want the characters to survive – select Yes again.

During the end credits, you will have to participate in fights similar to the hacking mini-game. Aim for larger words, as they can shoot red bullets that cannot be destroyed. It is likely that you will lose at some point, but always choose “No” when the game asks if you want to give up.

Later in the credits, you may feel like the situation is hopeless, but keep refusing to surrender until the game offers you help from other players. Select “Accept Offer” to summon ships from other players and increase your firepower. Keep fighting until all end credits are displayed to watch ending E and earn a gold trophy.

Just be aware that you will be asked a question that can delete all your saves, preventing you from continuing the game in Chapter Select and losing all progress.

The Nier Automata game will prompt you to decide if you want to assist the struggling players who are having trouble finishing the game. You must choose the dialogue option that says: “Nope, nothing at all.” This will enable you to maintain your progress, save the game after unlocking ending E, and continue playing using the Chapter Select feature.


What are Route C and Route D endings in Nier Automata?

Route C and Route D are the alternative endings in Nier Automata. They follow the main storyline of the game and are unlocked after the player completes Route B. Route C and Route D offer a different perspective on the events of the game and provide a deeper understanding of the characters and their motivations. The player must make certain choices throughout the game to progress to these routes.

How do I unlock Route C and Route D endings in Nier Automata?

To unlock Route C, the player must complete Route B and then make a specific choice at the end. This will lead the player to a new storyline, which is Route C. To unlock Route D, the player must complete Route C and then make another specific choice at the end. This will lead the player to a new storyline, which is Route D. It is important to note that some side quests must also be completed to unlock the true ending of the game.

What is the difference between Route C and Route D endings in Nier Automata?

Route C and Route D are similar in that they continue the main storyline of the game, but they differ in their perspective and outcome. Route C focuses on the character A2 and provides more insight into her backstory and motivations. Route D focuses on the character 9S and offers a different perspective on the events of the game. The ending of Route D is considered the true ending of the game and offers a more conclusive resolution to the story.

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