Assassinating Maya Parvati | Colorado

Maya Parvati is one of the four primary targets that must be eliminated. While an opportunity is available, it is not mandatory to use it. Below are the most effective ways to dispose of Rose:

  • Trigger an accident with the battering ram (Point Man Opportunity)
  • Crush Maya Parvati with a car
  • Set Maya Parvati on fire
  • Eliminate Maya Parvati with a bale of hay
  • Kill Maya Parvati in a gas explosion

Trigger an accident with the battering ram (Point Man Opportunity)

Maya Parvati is responsible for organizing a training in the main barn (limousine attack) (M7.19). If you explore this location, you will discover that the Point Man was injured during the previous attempt.

The first step is to assume the identity of the Point Man. He can be found in a small building in the western part of the farm (see screenshot) (M7.8). You could shoot him, but then you would have to handle the soldiers around him as well. It’s preferable to poison him by pouring rat poison into his bottle (there is rat poison in the building). He will drink some water and go to the toilet, where you can easily take care of him (if you want to conceal his corpse, throw it out of the window and drag it to a nearby container).

Speak with Maya to begin a new attempt

Proceed to the barn (M7.19) and speak with Maya Parvati to begin a new attempt to assault the limousine.

Remember – Maya will summon Sean Rose and invite him to watch the show. It’s preferable to wait until Sean arrives at the barn. It isn’t necessary, but you could kill both of them in the same accident.

Sabotage the battering ram

Instead of following Maya, approach the safety mechanism of the battering ram (M7.16). You must sabotage this mechanism, and the battering ram will be activated when you press the button.

Now you can proceed to the briefing. Examine the ammo stash (M7.25). Pick a rifle of your choice and a crowbar, which is necessary to complete the training (there is an additional crowbar on the trunk of the limousine in the main section of the barn).

Strike the dummies on the head

Go to the section of the barn where the limousine is located, stand next to the other soldiers, and wait for Maya to activate the battering ram. This will begin the training. If you want to finish the task within the time limit, you’ll need to act quickly. Begin by shooting the dummies in the limousine (from left to right).

Use the crowbar to open the back door

Once you’ve struck all of the dummies, hurry to the back door and open it with your crowbar. Retrieve the documents and run to the left button (the one by the car’s hood). Press it to complete your training.

Activate the battering ram when Maya (and Sean) come into range

Position yourself near the button that triggers the battering ram (which only Maya has been using so far) (M4.17). Wait for Maya to stop in a spot where the battering ram can reach her, then press the button to cause an accident.

Keep in mind – if Sean Rose was observing the training, he will talk to Maya and end up in a location where the battering ram can also easily hit him. Therefore, activating the battering ram will eliminate both targets.

Drop a car on Maya Parvati

Wait for Maya to get under the car and release the block

Go to the eastern part of the farm (M7.17) and you’ll see an interactive jack in one of the garages (M7.4). Before investigating it, it’s best to get rid of the nearby technician and take his disguise (you can lure him by turning on the generator or throwing objects).

Wait for Maya Parvati to exit the barn. When she approaches the garage, throw an item under the car. Once Maya is under the car, use the mechanism to drop the car on her.

Set Maya Parvati on fire

Tamper with the fuel tank and wait for Maya to arrive

Head to the eastern part of the farm (M7.17) and eliminate the technician in the northern garage (you can lure him by turning on the generator or throwing objects). There is a fuel tank next to the garage (M7.5). Tamper with it and the fuel will spill out onto the ground. Wait for Maya Parvati to exit the barn and step into the puddle of oil before shooting her (use a silencer for best results).

Remember – if you don’t deal with the technician, he might light a cigarette here and ruin your plan. You’ll have to tamper with the tank right before killing your target.

Remember – you could also kill Maya by setting fire to the nearby barrel. However, you’ll need to lure her close enough to it (e.g. by throwing objects).

Eliminate Maya Parvati with a bale of hay

The winch is located on the upper floor of the barn, and it’s best to deal with nearby enemies first

A bale of hay is hanging over the main entrance to the barn (M7.19). Use the stairs or climb onto the roof of the garage to reach the upper floor of the barn (M7.23). There are two enemies in the area, and it’s wise to eliminate them first as they can expose your identity if they spot you operating the winch. The winch is located on the upper floor (M7.18). Wait for Maya Parvati to stand directly beneath the bale of hay. Be aware that it takes a while to drop the bale, so plan your move carefully. It’s a good idea to save your game before attempting to kill Maya.

Keep in mind – you can use the same method to eliminate Sean Rose.

Eliminate Maya Parvati with a Gas Explosion

After taking out the Point Man, sabotage the gas tank by exposing the wire and damaging it when the power is off.

To successfully execute this plan, it is recommended to first eliminate the Point Man and assume his identity. Proceed to the barn and ignore Maya Parvati for the time being. Go to the back of the building (M7.19) and locate the power switch. Turn it off and find the extension cable on the floor, then use a screwdriver to damage it. Finally, damage the nearby gas tank.

Wait for Maya Parvati to move to the briefing point before attacking the limousine. Position yourself near the power switch and activate it when Penelope is near the damaged gas tank. The resulting overload will cause an explosion.


What is the story of Murdering Maya Parvati?

Murdering Maya Parvati is a true crime story that took place in Colorado. The victim was a 21-year-old woman named Maya Parvati who was found murdered in her apartment in 2017. The suspect in the case was her former boyfriend, Shivam Patel, who was arrested and charged with first-degree murder. The investigation revealed that Patel had been stalking Parvati and had a history of domestic violence. He had also made threats to harm her in the past. The evidence against Patel was strong, including DNA on the victim’s body, and he was eventually found guilty and sentenced to life in prison without parole.

What steps can be taken to prevent domestic violence and stalking?

Domestic violence and stalking are serious issues that can have tragic consequences, as evidenced in the Murdering Maya Parvati case. There are several steps that can be taken to prevent these types of crimes. First and foremost, it is important to recognize the signs of abuse and seek help if you or someone you know is experiencing it. This can include reaching out to a domestic violence hotline or seeking counseling. Additionally, law enforcement and prosecutors should take these types of crimes seriously and work to hold perpetrators accountable. Finally, education and awareness campaigns can help to prevent these types of crimes by educating the public about warning signs and resources available for victims.

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