Choosing Your Party in Dragon Age Inquisition

Here’s an example of the party selection screen before a quest.

Until you unlock new characters, your party will consist of Solas, Varric, and Cassandra, but there’s no requirement to travel with the full group. You have complete control over who you want to travel with. It’s highly recommended to have a representative of each class in the party, as rogues can pick locks, warriors can force doors open, and mages can handle magical barriers. It’s not wise to choose characters all of the same specialization and class, such as an all-melee or all-range attack party. Your companions will also have random conversations during your journey, sometimes discussing current events. While you can’t voice your own opinion, you can witness hilarious conversations and arguments between companions depending on their mood, opinion, and temperament. This adds diversity to the game but doesn’t influence the storyline.


1. How important is party selection in Dragon Age Inquisition?

Party selection is a crucial aspect of Dragon Age Inquisition gameplay. The right combination of companions can make battles significantly easier, while the wrong choice can make them nearly impossible. Additionally, party members can offer insights and reactions to the game’s story and events, adding depth to the game’s world and characters.

2. What are some tips for selecting a strong party in Dragon Age Inquisition?

When selecting a party in Dragon Age Inquisition, it’s important to consider each companion’s strengths and weaknesses. Some characters are better suited for certain types of battles or missions, while others offer unique abilities or story content. Experimenting with different party combinations can also help players discover new strategies and experiences.

3. Can party selection affect the game’s story and ending?

Party selection can have a significant impact on certain story and gameplay elements in Dragon Age Inquisition. Certain companions may offer unique dialogue options or quests, while others may have different reactions to player choices. Additionally, the game’s ending can be affected by the player’s choices throughout the game, including party selection and interactions with companions.

4. How does party member approval work in Dragon Age Inquisition?

Each companion in Dragon Age Inquisition has their own approval rating, which can be affected by the player’s actions and dialogue choices. High approval can lead to increased combat effectiveness, new story content, and even romantic relationships. Conversely, low approval can lead to decreased combat effectiveness and even abandonment or betrayal by the companion.

5. Can players recruit new party members in Dragon Age Inquisition?

Yes, players can recruit new party members throughout the game by completing quests or meeting certain criteria. Some companions may require specific choices or actions to be made before they can be recruited, while others may be available from the start. Players can have up to three companions in their active party at any given time.

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