Disguises in “Situs Inversus” Mission

The “Situs Inversus” mission in Hokkaido offers 19 different outfits that can be useful for completing the mission. The bodyguard disguise allows for free movement throughout the entire area, but there are many other outfits that can also be helpful.

Note that the ninja disguise is not available on the map and can only be obtained by choosing a special starting location. It is not required for the Chameleon achievement, which involves wearing all of the outfits.

  • VIP Patient – Tobias Rieper
  • Patient
  • VIP Patient – Amos Dexter
  • VIP Patient – Jason Portman – Opportunity: Makeover
  • Resort Security
  • Bodyguard
  • Resort Staff
  • Handyman
  • Chef
  • Doctor
  • Hospital Director
  • Morgue Doctor
  • Surgeon
  • Chief Surgeon
  • Helicopter Pilot
  • Yoga Instructor
  • Motorcyclist
  • Baseball uniform
  • Ninja

VIP Patient – Tobias Rieper

By default, the player starts the mission as Tobias Rieper (M8,1), a VIP patient in the hospital. This outfit only provides access to widely available areas such as the restaurant, spa, and garden. The player cannot enter areas reserved for personnel unless they have a Disposable Scrambler or RFID chip.


The patient disguise is similar to the Tobias Rieper outfit and also provides access to the same areas. It can be found in the bathroom of Agent 47’s apartment (M8,1) or obtained by attacking one of the patients in the level 1 toilet (M8,16).

VIP Patient – Amos Dexter

Amos Dexter (identified by his hat and purple outfit) is another VIP patient who resides in an apartment next to Agent 47’s (M8,2). It is best to take him out in his apartment using the parapet, disguising as a doctor, or sneaking in behind him. Attacking him in other areas can result in being easily detected. Dexter has no special access rights and can only enter widely available areas.

VIP Patient – Jason Portman – Opportunity: Makeover

Jason Portman (with bandages around his head) has an apartment on level 0 next to Yuki Yamazaki’s (M8,3). He has an important role in the mission and can be taken out by using an opportunity called Makeover, which involves posing as a surgeon during his appointment. However, the player must act quickly as the opportunity is only available for a few minutes after the start of the mission.

To attack Portman in Hitman, you can go to the bathroom located on level 1 of the hospital (M8,16). However, you must first eliminate the other patient and hide his body in one of the cabins. Another option is to use Agent 47’s resemblance to Helmut Kruger, whom Portman wants to look like. When Portman notices the similarity, he will start to follow Agent 47. You can then lead him to a secluded area, but you must act quickly because Portman loses interest after a while. If you manage to get Portman’s outfit, wait until you are called out and go to the rehabilitative room where one of the doctors (M8,21) will take Agent 47.

If you have taken on Jason Portman’s identity, you will be taken to the rehabilitative room on level 3 (M8,39). The surgeon there will remove the bandages from Agent 47’s face. After the examination, you can attack the surgeon to get his disguise. If you couldn’t get Portman earlier, you can find him wandering around level 3, near the entrance to the defibrillator control room (M8,37).

The Jason Portman disguise is useful for accessing the hospital’s main building and completing the Makeover opportunity. However, it is not useful for accessing the most important areas on level 3.

To get the Resort Security disguise, you can find security workers all over the resort. You can even get one right after the beginning of the mission by attracting a guard’s attention with an object in 47’s apartment (M8,1) and attacking him. Other good places to get this disguise are the kitchen (M8,4) where you can poison a meal, and the pills stash (M8,12) where you can find a sleeping guard.

The resort guards can access some of the areas reserved for hospital personnel, such as levels 0 and 1, and paths near the hospital in the east part of the map. However, they cannot enter patients’ apartments, the morgue, or the main building. If caught, they will be ordered to turn back or attacked.


To obtain the Bodyguard disguise, players can approach two bodyguards conversing near the cable cart in the south part of the map (M8,3) and use any throwable object to separate them. Once separated, eliminate one without any trouble. Alternatively, players can lure a bodyguard patrolling the hallway near the stairs to the morgue. The Bodyguard disguise is one of the best disguises in Hokkaido as it grants access to almost all areas on the map, except for guests’ apartments (excluding Yuki Yamazaki’s apartment) and the operation theatre and hospital rooms next to it (restricted to surgeons only). Players should be cautious when passing by Yuki as some people may detect them, even in disguise.

Resort Staff

Players can easily acquire the Resort Staff disguise by going to the staff room (M8,1). Alternatively, they can poison the right meal in the kitchen (M8,4) and follow the resort staff worker to the bathroom or look out for a single worker near the garage (M8,10) or in the small laundry room. Resort Staff members can access some areas reserved for personnel, such as level 0 (canteen and garage) and level 1 (areas near the sauna). They are not allowed to enter guests’ apartments, the morgue, or the hospital’s main building. After achieving a higher Mastery Level rank, players can begin the mission already in this disguise.


To obtain the Handyman disguise, players can attack the handyman working on the snow scooter in the garage (M8,10) and hide his body in a container. A single handyman can also be found walking on the rear of the hospital (M8,9), but players may have trouble hiding his body if they eliminate him. Handyman disguises allow access to areas reserved for personnel, mainly level 0 and 1 and the paths near the east part of the hospital. They cannot enter guests’ apartments and are not allowed in the morgue or main building, where they will be stopped at the control point or attacked if caught. After achieving a higher Mastery Level rank, players can begin the mission already in this disguise.


The Chef disguise can be found in the kitchen on level 0 (M8,4). You can lure a Chef to a side room (M8,10) and attack them there, hiding their body. Another way to obtain this outfit is to sabotage the fuse box next to the restaurant (M8,18). This will cause a Chef to investigate, but it is difficult to hide bodies in this location. Achieving a high Mastery Level rank in Hokkaido allows you to start the mission already in this disguise. Chefs can access additional areas reserved for personnel, but this disguise is useless for exploring the hospital. It can be useful for planning how to eliminate other targets, but be cautious, as other Chefs in the kitchen and restaurant may recognize you.


The Doctor disguise can be obtained early in the mission. After arriving at Amos Dexter’s apartment (M8,2), press the button to call two Doctors. Lure one to a secluded area or attack them as they exit the apartment. You can also poison a meal in the kitchen (M8,4) or a bottle in the main building (M8,31), then attack the Doctor when they enter a toilet. Doctors can enter patients’ apartments (excluding Yuki Yamazaki’s), but cannot access many areas reserved for personnel, which can raise the alarm if caught.

Hospital Director

The best way to eliminate the Hospital Director is to poison their meal in the restaurant (M8,17) and eliminate them when they enter the toilet (M8,16). After using this disguise, you can visit most areas on the map. The Hospital Director has similar access rights as normal Doctors, but can enter their office in the main building (M8,9) and perform actions to eliminate Yuki Yamazaki. However, you cannot access areas reserved for surgeons or be spotted on the mountain path east of the hospital.

Morgue Doctor

To obtain the Morgue Doctor disguise, you must go to the morgue where the doctors can be found in the room with the fridges (M8,27) and with the table for corpse examination (M8,28). Lure one of the doctors and eliminate them in a secluded place. It’s worth noting that you can also find the Curator in the morgue, who is connected with the Opportunity: Tell-Tale Heart, but eliminating him will not grant you a special outfit. People using this disguise can enter the morgue, but some doctors can still detect you. Additionally, you can access some areas available for hospital staff even after wearing this disguise.


Surgeons can only be encountered in the main building of the hospital. If you’re wearing Jason Portman’s disguise, you can easily eliminate one of them in the rehabilitative room (M8,39). Otherwise, it may be difficult to get a chance to be alone with a surgeon. After achieving a higher Mastery Level rank in Hokkaido, you can start the mission already in this disguise. Surgeons have similar rights to doctors and can enter the operation theater (M8,30) and the rooms next to it. This can help you eliminate Erich Soders, but be aware that you can still be detected by a surgeon even if you’re wearing this disguise.

Chief Surgeon

There is only one Chief Surgeon in the hospital, and you can find him walking from the main console (M8,34) to the hospital’s rear exit (M8,15). Attacking him there would be risky, and you would have to dispose of his body over the balustrade. It’s better to meet him disguised as the pilot and walk with him to the pills stash (M8,12). The Chief Surgeon has the same access rights as regular surgeons, but he is the only person who can use the console that controls the surgeon robot (M8,34). You can use this to quickly eliminate Erich Soders. However, don’t feel too safe in the Chief Surgeon’s disguise because some people in the hospital may still raise the alarm even if you’re wearing it.

Helicopter Pilot

The Helicopter Pilot usually walks around the landing pad for helicopters located at the back of the hospital (M8,14). Occasionally, he goes to the pills stash (M8,12), which is where you should attack him. Eliminate him in the stash, but first, you must eliminate the sleeping guard. Alternatively, you can attack him when he’s on his way to the stash and dispose of his body over the abyss.

As the pilot, you have the chance to encounter the chief surgeon (M8,15), which is linked to one of the ways of eliminating Erich Soders (further details can be found in the mission description). However, be warned that you must undergo a mandatory search by the bodyguards when approaching the hospital’s rear exit. Once inside, be cautious not to get discovered as you cannot enter the medical areas.

The yoga instructor is a unique character on the map typically found around the spa (M8,23). He can be attacked in either the garage (M8,10) after eliminating the mechanic, or in the back room attached to the sauna (M8,22), where you can drag his body to the container. This disguise is useful for meeting Yuki Yamazaki and killing her during the yoga lesson, but after that, it is recommended to switch to a more functional disguise.

To obtain the motorcyclist disguise, head to the morgue (M8,27), where you can find a dead motorcyclist in the same room as the Curator and the fridges. While this disguise does not make fulfilling the contract any easier, it is necessary to complete two small challenges in the mission.

The baseball uniform is located in the hospital’s director’s office on level 3 (M8,9), which you can access as the director or by sneaking in when the bodyguards are not looking. Similarly to the motorcyclist disguise, this outfit does not make the contract any easier but is essential for completing two small challenges.

The Ninja outfit cannot be found on the map. To obtain it, you must reach a certain Mastery Level in Hokkaido and begin the mission wearing this outfit on the mountain path (M8,17). However, be aware that the Ninja disguise does not offer any protection and can raise the alarm even in public areas like the spa or restaurant. It is needed to finish a few side challenges, such as Silent Ninja – completing the mission without being detected or leaving signs of your presence. For more information, refer to the dedicated page for this challenge.


What are some traditional disguises in Hokkaido?

In Hokkaido, there are several traditional disguises that have been worn for centuries. One of the most popular is the “sarutahiko” costume, which includes a mask with a long nose and a red and white outfit. This disguise is often used in festivals and parades and is believed to bring good luck and ward off evil spirits. Another popular disguise is the “yukara” costume, which is worn during traditional Ainu dance performances. The costume includes a wooden mask and a robe made of animal skin or cloth. The “kamuy kotan” disguise is also popular and includes a mask of a bear or other animal, which is used during traditional Ainu ceremonies.

Are disguises still used in modern-day Hokkaido?

While traditional disguises are still used for cultural events and festivals, they are not commonly worn in everyday life. However, there are some modern-day disguises that are popular in Hokkaido, such as the “zukin” hooded sweatshirt, which is often used as a way to stay warm during cold winters. Another popular disguise is the “kigurumi” onesie, which is a full-body animal costume that is often worn for fun or as a Halloween costume. Additionally, there are some cosplay events in Hokkaido where people dress up as their favorite anime or video game characters, but these are not necessarily traditional disguises.

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