Ginger in a Pickle | Main Quests in Kingdom Come Deliverance

Following the latest patch update, there is a bug in the Ginger in a Pickle quest in Kingdom Come. Please refer to the fix below.

Ginger in a Pickle is one of the primary missions in Kingdom Come: Deliverance. In this quest, you have to investigate several charcoal-burners’ camps and inquire about Ginger’s whereabouts. The third camp is where you will find the first significant clue, but the charcoal-burner will not reveal any information immediately.

Ginger in a Pickle Bug

Please note that the quest is currently bugged after the latest patch update (version 1.2.5.) for Kingdom Come. You cannot initiate the Ginger in a Pickle quest at the moment. If you don’t want to wait for the official hotfix, you can try this fix: replace the “q_neuhof_colliers.xml” file from the Data directory with an older version (from patch 1.2.). Please keep in mind that you do this at your own risk, and it’s better to wait for the official patch release.

Note – For players who prefer a pacifist approach, you can go straight to Ginger’s hideout and bypass the fight with two bandits. Check the last section of the quest description.

Remember – If you want to finish the main questline without killing anyone (Merciful trophy), you can head directly to Ginger’s hideout and skip the encounter with the two bandits. Refer to the final part of the description if you’re interested in this specific step. However, keep in mind that you won’t be able to unlock the Ginger achievement (killing the bandits from the camp in the woods).

The quest to find Ginger in Kingdom Come: Deliverance involves visiting three charcoal-burners’ camps. The first camp is located south of Neuhof and the spokesman there will give you the location of the second camp. The second camp is located north of Neuhof and the spokesman there will give you the location of the third camp. The third camp is located west of your current location and can be reached by following the river.

To find out about Ginger’s location, you must first solve the charcoal-burner spokesman’s problem with bandits. The bandits’ location is marked on the map and can be reached by following a narrow path from the north. You can choose to fight them or use stealth to knock them out.

Regardless of your decision, the spokesman will tell you about Ginger’s location, which is a hut on top of a hill northeast of the third charcoal-burners’ camp. Speak with Ginger and learn his version of events before deciding whether he should hide or go to Neuhof and tell his story. Finally, speak with Bernard and Radzig, with the latter rewarding you with 75 Groschen.


1. What is “Ginger in a Pickle” quest in Kingdom Come Deliverance?

“Ginger in a Pickle” is a main quest in Kingdom Come Deliverance. It is a part of the main storyline and is given to the player by Sir Radzig Kobyla. In this quest, the player needs to find and rescue a man named Ginger who has gone missing. The player needs to gather information from various sources and follow different leads to locate Ginger. Once Ginger is found, the player needs to escort him back to Sir Radzig’s castle. This quest involves a lot of dialogue and investigation, and it is important to pay attention to all the clues to progress through the quest.”

2. What are the challenges in completing “Ginger in a Pickle” quest in Kingdom Come Deliverance?

Completing the “Ginger in a Pickle” quest in Kingdom Come Deliverance can be challenging as it involves a lot of investigation and dialogue. The player needs to gather information from various sources and follow different leads to locate Ginger. The player also needs to be careful while escorting Ginger back to Sir Radzig’s castle as there are enemies who will try to attack. Additionally, the player needs to make sure that Ginger reaches the castle safely as it is important for the main storyline. It is also important to note that there are multiple ways to complete this quest, and the player needs to make choices that will affect the outcome of the quest.”

3. What are the rewards for completing “Ginger in a Pickle” quest in Kingdom Come Deliverance?

Completing the “Ginger in a Pickle” quest in Kingdom Come Deliverance is important for the main storyline and will lead to the completion of other quests. The rewards for completing this quest are mainly in the form of experience points and reputation points. The player will gain experience points for completing different tasks in the quest, such as gathering information, fighting enemies, and escorting Ginger. The player will also gain reputation points with Sir Radzig and the town of Rattay, which will affect their relationship with these factions in the game. Additionally, completing this quest will unlock new quests and opportunities for the player in Kingdom Come Deliverance.”

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