Hitman 2: Nightcall Walkthrough – Preparing for the Target’s Arrival

Mission Objectives:

  1. Find information about the destination (computer on the first floor, password can be found behind hidden doors in the same room),
  2. Eliminate Alma Reynard – she will arrive after obtaining data from the computer,
  3. Evacuate.

The first task in Hitman 2 is relatively easy. Locate the data and eliminate the target using different methods or simply shoot her. However, the Nightcall – Hawke’s Bay mission is so easy that you can complete it without even killing anyone else.

  • Entering the building
  • Preparing for the Target’s Arrival
  • Collecting the Data

Entering the Building

Start by getting to the residence, which is empty, allowing you to explore it at your own pace. There are four cameras outside the building:

  1. Eliminate them with your pistol,
  2. Or leave them be – you can delete the recordings later (but being caught affects your score).

Be cautious of cameras in the building, specifically on the master level. There are two ways to enter the building:

  1. Find a hidden key to the house (1) – in a room with a swimming pool, under a white vase, next to the door. This key only opens the door next to it,
  2. Use a screwdriver (2), which you will find at the pool next to the toolbox. You can open the garage with it by destroying the electric box on the wall.

Once you enter the building, you’re safe – there’s no one around to pose a threat.

Short circuit the signal box and the button near the gate will become functional.

Preparing for the Target’s Arrival

Before you progress to the main objective of collecting data from the computer, prepare yourself. When you use the computer, the target will arrive with several guards. To prepare, you can:

  1. Collect useful items for the assassination,
  2. Prepare for the plan, such as poisoning the food.

  1. It’s also wise to close the blinds on the windows – this way you can partially shield yourself from the guards’ vision,
  2. Unlock all locked doors: many doors are locked. While you’re inside and can move freely, unlock the door from the other side if possible – it will stay open permanently and prevent you from getting stuck later on. For doors that can’t be unlocked, use a lockpick (you’ll find it in a secret room (asylum) with a key to the computer – only available at the master difficulty level).

Collecting the Data

Head upstairs. In the room across from the stairs, there’s a computer on a desk. But you can’t access it. Go up to the picture hanging on the wall and move it – this will reveal a secret room.

There is a USB stick on the desk that contains the password to access the computer. Additionally, there is a camera recorder nearby that you can use to erase any incriminating footage. Retrieve the key and log onto the computer, but be aware that once you retrieve the information, the target and their security detail will arrive shortly. Be ready for them.


1. What are the main objectives in the Nightcall mission of Hitman 2?

In the Nightcall mission of Hitman 2, the main objective is to assassinate Alma Reynard, a former bank CEO who is now working as a freelance assassin. The player needs to infiltrate the house where Reynard is staying and eliminate her without being detected. There are also several secondary objectives, such as obtaining information from Reynard’s laptop and destroying evidence of her criminal activities.

2. What are some tips for preparing for the arrival of the target in Nightcall?

Before the arrival of Alma Reynard, the player can take several steps to prepare for the assassination. It is recommended to explore the area and find potential hiding spots, as well as acquire disguises that will allow the player to move around the location undetected. The player should also gather intel on Reynard’s habits and routines, as this can provide useful information for planning the attack. Additionally, the player can set up traps and distractions to create opportunities for taking out Reynard without being noticed.

3. What are some possible approaches to completing the Nightcall mission in Hitman 2?

There are several possible approaches to completing the Nightcall mission in Hitman 2, depending on the player’s playstyle and preferences. One approach is to use stealth and disguise to infiltrate the house undetected and eliminate Reynard without alerting any of the guards or civilians. Another approach is to create distractions and chaos in the area to draw attention away from the assassination, allowing the player to take out Reynard in the confusion. Finally, the player can also choose to go in guns blazing, using weapons and explosives to take out Reynard and any guards who get in the way.

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