
Overview | Unlockable Achievements and Trophies

This section is dedicated to the achievements and trophies that can be acquired in the first season of Hitman. These achievements are available on PC and Xbox One versions, while trophies are available on the PlayStation 4 version. The following episodes feature unlockable achievements:

  • Two training missions (an open training and the final training) and the basic content – 17 achievements can be unlocked
  • The first main episode (Paris) – 7 achievements can be unlocked
  • The second main episode (Sapienza) – 7 achievements can be unlocked
  • The third main episode (Marrakesh) – 7 achievements can be unlocked
  • Bonus summer season (missions in Sapienza: the Icon and Marrakesh: A house built on sand) – 7 achievements can be unlocked
  • The fourth main episode (Bangkok) – 7 achievements can be unlocked
  • The fifth main episode (Colorado) – 7 achievements can be unlocked
  • The sixth main episode (Hokkaido) – 7 achievements can be unlocked

There are a total of 66 achievements that can be unlocked across all consoles. It should be noted that the PlayStation 4 version does not offer a platinum trophy.

The descriptions of each achievement will provide further details on how to unlock them.


1. What are achievements/trophies in video games?

Achievements and trophies are virtual rewards that players can earn by completing specific tasks or reaching certain milestones in video games. These rewards are usually displayed on a player’s profile and can range from simple accomplishments, like finishing the tutorial, to more difficult challenges, like beating the game on the hardest difficulty setting. Achievements and trophies add an extra layer of challenge and motivation to playing video games, as players strive to unlock them all.

2. Do achievements/trophies affect gameplay?

No, achievements and trophies do not affect gameplay. They are simply virtual rewards that acknowledge a player’s progress and accomplishments in the game. However, some games may offer in-game bonuses or other rewards for unlocking certain achievements or trophies.

3. Can achievements/trophies be earned in multiplayer modes?

Yes, achievements and trophies can be earned in both single-player and multiplayer modes. In fact, some games have specific achievements or trophies that can only be earned in multiplayer, encouraging players to try out different modes and play with others.

4. Are achievements/trophies only available on certain platforms?

No, achievements and trophies are available on most modern gaming platforms, including Xbox, PlayStation, and Steam. However, some older games may not have achievements or trophies, and some platforms may have different systems in place for tracking and displaying them.

5. Can achievements/trophies be earned in retro or classic games?

No, achievements and trophies are a relatively new feature in video games and are not available in retro or classic games. However, some modern remasters or re-releases of classic games may include achievements or trophies as an added feature.

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