The Prey | Main Quests in Kingdom Come Deliverance

The Prey is a primary quest in Kingdom Come: Deliverance, where you’ll have to participate in a hunt alongside Hans Capon. This quest ends with a thrilling climax where you’ll need to locate and rescue Hans, who gets into big trouble.

  1. Meet Lord Capon at dawn in the courtyard of the Upper Castle. Sleep or skip some time until it’s around 6 AM. After a brief conversation, start following Lord Capon.
  2. Note – before setting out, leave all the items you don’t require in Henry’s chest. The animals you hunt during this mission will weigh a lot.
  3. You’ll arrive at a small camp. Bring Lord Capon some wine and bacon from his sack. The hunt will take place the next day – sleep on the mattress in the camp until then. Start the next day by taking the supplies from the chest in the camp. There’s a Villager’s ash bow, a set of arrows, and dried food. Equip the bow right away (take the one from the chest or use your own, if you have a better one), and don’t forget to place the type of arrows you want in the active slot.

  1. Hans will suggest another competition – hunting hares. The competition will last until midday. You can get about a dozen rabbits without much effort if you don’t miss all the time.
  2. You can hunt the hares in the whole forest – you don’t have to stick to a specific area. Use sneaking to your advantage. Use the bow after sneaking up on a hare. Collect all the hares you hunt down – you’ll receive hare meat, and you’ll recover your arrows. When it’s close to noon, return to the camp and wait for Lord Capon. The outcome of the contest will not affect the quest itself, but you’ll receive some gold if you win.

  1. Resume following Lord Capon. This time he wants to hunt a boar. After a cut-scene, you’ll need to locate Capon. Reach a small camp marked with a red circle on the top picture above.
  2. You’ll find that Lord Capon has been kidnapped by the Kumans. You can do two things: attack the two enemies in the camp or sneak up to Sir Hans and free him. If you choose to fight, make sure to attack the archer first and then the enemy with a shield.
  3. Regardless of your choice, you’ll free Hans and return to the town. Henry will receive his horse as a reward for saving the nobleman (the horse will be useful in the next main quest).


1. What is “The Prey” quest in Kingdom Come Deliverance?

The Prey is a main quest in Kingdom Come Deliverance that takes place in the Sasau Monastery. The quest involves investigating the murder of Brother Nevlas, who was found dead in the monastery’s herb garden. The player must gather clues and interrogate suspects to uncover the truth behind the murder. This quest is part of the main storyline and is necessary to progress through the game.

2. How do I start “The Prey” quest?

The Prey quest can be started by speaking to Brother Porter in the Sasau Monastery. He will ask the player to investigate the murder of Brother Nevlas. The quest can also be triggered by speaking to other NPCs in the monastery who have information about the murder.

3. What are the rewards for completing “The Prey” quest?

The rewards for completing The Prey quest include experience points, reputation points, and the satisfaction of solving a murder mystery. Additionally, the player may receive valuable loot from the suspects or from completing optional objectives within the quest.

4. Are there any important choices or consequences in “The Prey” quest?

Yes, there are several important choices and consequences in The Prey quest. The player must decide which suspects to interrogate and how to approach each interrogation. Additionally, the player must choose whether to accuse an innocent person or let the murderer go free. These choices will have long-term consequences for the player’s reputation and relationships with NPCs in the game.

5. Can “The Prey” quest be failed?

Yes, The Prey quest can be failed if the player accuses the wrong person of the murder or if they do not gather enough evidence to solve the case. If the player fails the quest, they will not be able to progress through the main storyline until they complete it successfully.

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