Location Map – M9 | Sapienza: The Icon

Important Locations and Items in Hitman – M9 Sapienza: The Icon


1. Areas tied to the assassinations

2. Starting area

3. Bosco’s car

4. Movie crew employees


1. Emetic rat poison

2. Agency stash

3. Wrench

4. Bosco’s car key

5. Pyrotechnician’s manual

6. Screwdriver

7. Crowbar

Key Points:

– Apply poison to the bottle or sabotage the gas lamp to assassinate Dino Bosco in the fans’ area.

– The only available Agency stash for The Icon mission is in the basement.

– Listen in on Dino Bosco’s manager conversation in the cafe.

– The tower is a good sniping spot.

– Enter Dino Bosco’s trailer through the door or the roof and kill him when he returns.

– Sabotage the generator to interrupt the shoot and convince Dino Bosco to meet with the fans.

– Insert high-octane fuel to murder Dino Bosco using the robot.

– Use the pyrotechnics trigger to murder Dino Bosco after activating manual detonation of the explosives.

– Sabotage the retractable blades and increase the ramp pressure to murder Dino Bosco.

– Distract movie crew employees with a throwable object, eliminate them, and wear their clothes to blend in.

This is a map of a mission location called The Icon, which is one of two new contracts exclusive to the additional summer episode of the game. The mission takes place in Sapienza, a town that Agent 47 has already visited in the second main episode of the game’s first season. The center of the map is located in the main square in the Eastern part of the map, where a movie set is located. However, most locations in Sapienza are unavailable for this contract, including the Western estate and the areas near the Northern harbor. The objective of the mission is to assassinate Dino Bosco, an actor filming his latest movie in the town. Agent 47 can eliminate Bosco and stage a fatal accident, or interrupt the shooting to eliminate the actor after he goes to see his fans. The map rewards exploration before deciding to assassinate the target, and the guide discusses key items to find and the best ways to eliminate Bosco.

Mission Preparation

Prior to undertaking the mission, it is recommended to carry a lockpick to avoid wasting time looking for keys. Another useful item to take is lethal poison, which will make it easier to poison the target. However, if you opt for the “regular” rat poison, the actor will still need to be drowned or killed before he can reach the toilet.

Shooting the target with a sniper rifle is not advisable since he wears armor, which would require at least two precise shots. If you insist on using a sniper rifle, hide it in the Agency’s stash located in the basement of the cafe. The area is unoccupied, making it easier to access the shooting location.

The mission starts at the same point as the Sapienza contract in the second main episode, by the Southern road (M9,1). You can move around the movie set without wearing any outfit, but be aware that there are guard outposts in many locations. Agent 47 cannot access the cafe or town hall. You can acquire the first outfit quickly by luring one of the crew members away near the starting point (M9,3). However, the outfit does not provide full access, so it is better to obtain a security guard’s uniform or an SFX crew member’s outfit, as discussed in the following sections.

Mission Information

Your target is the actor Dino Bosco, recognizable by his superhero armor similar to that of Iron Man. He spends most of his time on the movie set (M9,4), where he is filming two scenes – a battle with a robot and a jump towards a larger robot. Both scenes provide opportunities to stage accidents that would result in his demise. Dino Bosco occasionally returns to his trailer (M9,5), where you can wait for him. His fans are waiting next to the cafe (M9,1), but he won’t appear until you sabotage the movie shooting by activating the generators (M9,7).

Note that Dino Bosco’s armor is bulletproof, so using a pistol is not recommended. A sniper rifle is a better option, but it still may require two accurate shots to kill him.

The Icon is not a challenging contract since the mission area is limited, and necessary items are easy to find without spending much time exploring the map. The beginning of the mission may be slightly challenging until you obtain one of the best outfits to move around the map without being detected. However, even with an outfit, your opponents may still recognize you.


1. What is the M9 location map in Sapienza: The Icon?

The M9 location map is a map in the video game Sapienza: The Icon. It is one of the many maps in the game that players can use to navigate through the different levels. The M9 map is specifically for the Sapienza level, which is set in a picturesque Italian town. The map provides players with an overhead view of the level, showing the different areas and buildings that they need to navigate through to complete their mission. It is a useful tool for players who want to plan their strategy and avoid getting lost in the maze-like level.

2. How do I access the M9 location map in Sapienza: The Icon?

Players can access the M9 location map in Sapienza: The Icon by pressing the map button on their controller or keyboard. This will bring up the map on the screen, allowing players to view the different areas of the level and plan out their route. The M9 map can also be accessed through the game’s pause menu, which allows players to view the map without interrupting their gameplay. Players can zoom in and out of the map to get a better view of the different areas, and they can also set waypoints to help them navigate to their objectives.

3. Are there any secrets hidden on the M9 location map in Sapienza: The Icon?

There are no specific secrets hidden on the M9 location map in Sapienza: The Icon, but players may discover hidden areas and pathways as they explore the level. The map is designed to be a useful tool for players to navigate through the level and complete their mission, but it is also designed to encourage exploration and discovery. Players may find hidden weapons, disguises, and other items as they explore the different areas of the level. The M9 map can be a valuable resource for players who want to uncover all of the secrets that Sapienza: The Icon has to offer.

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