The Naturalist

How to unlock: Speak to Gauld.

Quest giver: Gauld (M13,3)

Gauld can be found in one of the cottages at Crestwood.

Upon meeting with Gauld, who is located in one of the cottages in the Western area of Crestwood (M13,3), he will ask you to check on his friend Judith. Head towards the South-East to leave the village.

Find Judith’s cottage and speak to her.

To find Judith, who resides at M13,9, continue to be cautious of potential dangers such as highwaymen, monsters, and black wolves. Once you arrive, speak to Judith to complete the mission and receive additional rewards without having to inform Gauld.

Reward for completing the quest:

  • New side quest unlocked: Wyrm Hole
  • Experience (little)
  • 80 Influence points


What is a naturalist?

A naturalist is a person who studies and observes the natural world, including plants, animals, and their habitats. They have a deep interest in the environment and ecology, and often work to promote conservation and sustainability. Naturalists may be scientists, educators, or simply enthusiasts who enjoy spending time in nature and learning about the world around them.

What skills are needed to be a naturalist?

Some of the key skills needed to be a naturalist include observation, attention to detail, and a deep curiosity about the natural world. Naturalists also need to be able to communicate their findings to others, whether through writing, speaking, or teaching. In addition, they may need to have knowledge of scientific methods and techniques, as well as an understanding of the relationships between different species and their habitats.

What are some famous naturalists?

There have been many famous naturalists throughout history, including Charles Darwin, Jane Goodall, and John Muir. Darwin is perhaps best known for his theory of evolution, while Goodall is renowned for her work with chimpanzees in Tanzania. Muir, on the other hand, was a passionate advocate for wilderness preservation in the United States, and helped to establish many of the country’s national parks.

How can I become a naturalist?

There are many ways to become a naturalist, depending on your interests and goals. Some people pursue academic degrees in fields such as ecology, biology, or environmental science, while others may gain experience through volunteering or working for conservation organizations. You can also simply spend time in nature, observing and learning about the world around you, and sharing your knowledge with others. Whatever path you choose, a love of nature and a desire to understand and protect it are key qualities for any aspiring naturalist.

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