Eye of Magnus

New Objective: Use the Staff of Magnus to enter the College of Winterhold

To enter the College of Winterhold, open your inventory, go to Weapons, and select the Staff of Magnus as your active weapon. Once you approach the barrier surrounding the College, hold down one of the mouse buttons for a few seconds. This will give you the next objective.

New Objective: Reach the Hall of the Elements

Go towards the main square of the College of Winterhold. Luckily, you won’t encounter any enemies or barriers on the way. However, before entering the Hall of the Elements, make sure you have at least one skill that allows you to summon help. This is important because your ally won’t be able to assist you during the final battle.

New Objective: Defeat Ancano

Go to the main room of the Hall of the Elements and approach Ancano. Unfortunately, the fight won’t be a fair one, as Ancano will knock out Tolfdir and your ally at the beginning of the battle. Therefore, it’s crucial to summon a creature to draw the boss’s attention away from you.

Not only is the lack of living allies a difficulty, but Ancano will also draw power from the Eye of Magnus at the start of the fight, making him immune to your attacks. The Staff of Magnus will come in handy again as you can use it to temporarily close the Eye of Magnus. Aim at the magic sphere and hold down the mouse button for a few seconds. Keep using the Staff until the glimmer around Ancano disappears, making him vulnerable to your attacks.

Once Ancano is vulnerable, you can equip any weapon or spells you like and start attacking him. Be aware that his attacks deal high damage, mainly from lightning. If you summoned a creature earlier, it’s likely that the boss will mainly focus on attacking it, allowing you to attack him without much interference.

In addition to Ancano, there will also be Magic Anomalies flying around the room. However, they deal low damage, so it’s best to ignore them. If you get hurt badly, retreat to a safe place using the nearby pillars as cover. Don’t forget to summon a new creature if the old one dies, so there’s always a chance that the boss will attack it instead of you.

The duration of the fight depends on your character’s experience, ranging from 30 seconds to several minutes. However, you need to be aware that the eye may reopen after a short period of time. In this case, you must quickly use the Staff of Magnus again. Don’t forget that you can enhance the artifact with soul gems. Keep fighting until Ancano loses all his health, then move on to eliminating the Magic Anomalies. This will be easier as Tolfdir and your party member will have returned to full strength by then.

New main objective: Talk to Tolfdir

You can now search for Tolfdir and speak with him (as shown in the screenshot). He won’t know how to handle the Eye of Magnus, but the Psijic Order members will arrive to help with this issue.

New main objective: Speak with Quaranir

Approach Quaranir, who should be near the Eye of Magnus (as shown in the screenshot), and speak with him. He will inform you that the Order is concerned about the world’s safety and will take the Eye to a secure location. Wait for the teleportation to finish.

Speak with Tolfdir for the final time (as shown in the screenshot) and he will name you the Arch-Mage, awarding you the valuable Arch-Mage’s Robe. Tolfdir will also let you access the Arch-Mage’s Quarters, where you can find various potions, soul gems, and other valuable items. There are no more primary objectives to complete, but you should still explore the College’s side missions.


What is the Eye of Magnus?

The Eye of Magnus is a powerful magical artifact in the world of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. It is a massive, glowing orb that is said to hold immense power and is believed to be hundreds or even thousands of years old. It is located in the city of Winterhold, in the College of Winterhold, which is a school for studying magic.

What is the history of the Eye of Magnus?

The history of the Eye of Magnus is shrouded in mystery, but it is believed to have been created by the powerful mage, Magnus. Magnus was one of the original architects of the universe, and he is said to have imbued the Eye with his own power. The Eye has been the subject of much speculation and study over the years, but its true nature and purpose remain unknown.

What is the significance of the Eye of Magnus in Skyrim?

In Skyrim, the Eye of Magnus plays a central role in the storyline of the College of Winterhold questline. The player is tasked with finding and recovering the Eye, which has been stolen by an evil mage. The Eye is eventually revealed to be a powerful weapon that can be used to defeat the evil Thalmor, a group of elves who are attempting to take over the world of Skyrim.

What are the powers of the Eye of Magnus?

The true powers of the Eye of Magnus are not entirely clear, but it is believed to possess immense magical power. It is said to be able to move objects with its telekinetic force, and it can also cause powerful explosions that can destroy entire cities. The Eye is also believed to have the power to control minds and bend reality to its will. Its true potential, however, remains unknown.

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