New World: Arcana – Crafting

The Arcana skill in New World allows players to craft potions that can either improve their stats or restore their health and mana. In addition to this, Arcana can also craft poisons that can help players defeat their enemies. This guide will teach you how to quickly level up your Arcana skill.

To craft potions in New World, players will need to use the Arcana Repository. This crafting station is linked to the Harvesting skill, which allows players to collect the required plants to create the potions.

Crafting station and crafted items

Players can create various types of potions and poisons using the Arcana skill. They can create healing potions, mana restoration potions, stat-increasing potions, and poisons to weaken enemies.

Fast leveling Arcana

If players want to quickly level up their Arcana skill, they should focus on creating healing or mana restoration potions. The following is an example of a development path based on crafting healing potions.

Level 0 – 50:

To reach Arcana Level 50, players will need to craft 460 Common Health Potions.

  1. 460 x Lifebloom Stem
  2. 460 x Water

Level 50 – 100:

The next step is to craft 960 Strong Health Potions.

  1. 960 x Gleaming Lodestone
  2. 960 x Petalcap
  3. 960 x Water

Level 100 – 150:

Players will then need to craft 1350 Powerful Health Potions.

  1. 1350 x Lifebloom Flower
  2. 1350 X Petalcap
  3. 1350 x Bumbleblossom
  4. 1350 x Water

Level 150 – 200:

To reach the maximum level of Arcana in New World, players will need to craft 2225 Infused Health Potions.

  1. 2225 x Azoth Water
  2. 2225 X Petalcap
  3. 2225 x Bumbleblossom
  4. 2225 x Water


What is crafting in New World: Arcana?

Crafting in New World: Arcana is the process of creating new items by combining different resources. It is one of the primary ways to acquire new gear and improve your character’s abilities. In Arcana, players can craft a variety of items such as weapons, armor, potions, and food. The crafting system is designed to be intuitive and accessible to players of all skill levels. You can craft items at a crafting station, which can be found in towns and settlements throughout the game world. Each crafting recipe requires specific resources and a certain level of skill. As you level up your crafting skills, you’ll be able to create more powerful items and unlock new recipes.

What are some tips for successful crafting in New World: Arcana?

When it comes to crafting in New World: Arcana, there are a few things to keep in mind to ensure your success. Firstly, always make sure you have the necessary resources before attempting to craft an item. If you’re missing a key ingredient, you won’t be able to complete the recipe. Secondly, it’s important to level up your crafting skills by crafting as many items as possible. This will not only unlock new recipes but also increase your chances of successfully crafting higher-level items. Thirdly, don’t be afraid to experiment with different combinations of resources to see what works best. Finally, consider joining a crafting guild or finding a group of players to craft with. This can help you learn from more experienced crafters and speed up the process of acquiring new gear.

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