Paris: The Showstopper | Disguises and Key Items


During the Paris mission “The Showstopper,” Agent 47 can utilize a variety of disguises, which are listed in this chapter. The most useful disguises are the unique ones belonging to the sheikh or Helmut Kruger. These disguises offer almost unrestricted movement, except for the areas with the highest security levels, such as the garden arbor or the attic on the third floor.

Agent 47 can start the mission wearing a tuxedo.

The game suggests starting the mission with the Tuxedo Disguise. This outfit allows access to areas reserved for fashion show guests. To access the upper floors, the player must show their invitation to the secret auction and undergo a security search.

A Palace Staff Disguise can be obtained on level 0.

The Palace Staff Disguise can be acquired from the small building located in the north at the beginning of the mission (point M3,3 on the map). A staff member is located inside, and the player can subdue them and hide their body in a container at the back of the building. Another option is to find a lone staff member in the northern gardens (point M3,5 on the map) and subdue them. Alternatively, the player can acquire this disguise from one of the trailers in the southern section of the map (point M3,4 on the map) or the locker room on the ground floor (point M3,6 on the map). Staff members can move freely on levels 0 and 1 but are prohibited from accessing upper floors.

A Security Guard Disguise can be obtained from a small building near the palace gardens.

The Security Guard Disguise can be acquired by reaching the small building located in the north (point M3,3 on the map). The player can use coins or other throwing objects to lure the guard to investigate the noise, then subdue and hide their body in a container. Another option is to acquire the disguise from the small building in the southern section of the gardens (point M3,12 on the map). The security guard stands near the window, and the player can pull them inside, subdue them, and hide their body in a container. However, this disguise does not provide access to upper floors.

To obtain the CICADA Bodyguard Disguise, one can attack a guard in the northern section of the palace gardens. The small building located at point M3,7 on the map is the perfect spot to acquire this outfit. Two guards patrol the area next to the building. Subdue one of them, throw the body into the building, and hide it inside a container. Another option is to attack one of the guards from the upper floors, such as the one accompanying the sheikh at point M3,7 on the map, or one of the guards patrolling the attic of the building at point M3,31 on the map. This disguise allows for easy movement around the map, but be aware that both Novikov and some of the guards can recognize Agent 47 in it.

One can sabotage the generator located in the southern section of the map and wait for a stage crew member to obtain a Stage Crew Disguise. To acquire the outfit, go to point M3,13 on the map in the palace gardens and locate a person wearing a cap and a t-shirt with the Crew sign on it, leaning over a railing. Wait for the guards to move elsewhere, subdue the stage worker, and hide the body in the northern container. Another way to get the disguise is to go to the event service area at point M3,14 on the map, find the generator, sabotage it, wait for a crew worker to come and fix it, and subdue him. A third option is to reach the room with cabinets inside at point M3,23 on the map and wait for the crew member there, then neutralize him and hide the body in the large container. Stage Crew workers can access the second floor of the palace.

The Stylist Disguise can be acquired in the changing room at the event service area located in the southern section of the map, at point M3,14 on the map. Look for a person standing away from the others, subdue him, and hide the body. Alternatively, the unused outfit can be found on one of the tables in the changing room. However, Agent 47 must ensure that no one is watching him while he changes. This outfit does not provide access to upper floors and can easily be detected by other people of the same profession or by members of the stage crew.

Chefs work on the 0th level of the palace. To obtain a Chef Disguise, go to the kitchen located on the 0th level of the palace at point M3,15 on the map. Attack the lone chef located in the northern corridor and hide the body in a container. Chefs have similar privileges to members of the crew. The only advantage of this outfit is that Agent 47 will not encounter another chef outside of the kitchen, meaning that he won’t be discovered by passing people.

One of the auction staff workers can be targeted for attack.

To obtain an Auction Staff Disguise, go to the western room on the second level of the palace (point M3,27 on the map) where there is only one person present, or create a disturbance with the piano in the northern room (point M3,28 on the map). Regardless of the situation, ensure that you are not seen when subduing a worker, and hide the body afterward. With this outfit, you can access both the second and third levels of the palace (after the guards have searched you), but you will not be able to enter Dalia’s private quarters or the attic on the third floor.

The magician outfit will not enable Agent 47 to hypnotize enemies.

The vampire magician outfit disguise is located in the northeast section of the attic on the third level of the palace (point M3,12 on the map), but it has no practical use in this mission.

The sheikh can be located on the second floor of the apartment.

The Sheikh Disguise is a unique outfit for this mission. The sheikh can be found in a luxurious apartment on the second floor of the palace (point M3,7 on the map). You must reach him before he leaves for the auction; otherwise, he will remain on the third floor, making it impossible to reach him. You can access his apartment using a security guard outfit, a lockpick, or a crowbar. You can subdue the sheikh and his bodyguard in a traditional manner (by approaching them from behind and strangling them) or by poisoning the sheikh’s drink. After a short time, the man will rush to the toilet due to the poisoning.

Attack Helmut in the palace gardens.

Helmut Kruger’s Disguise is another unique outfit that can be obtained. Helmut is typically found at the back of the palace (point M3,12 on the map), either participating in a photo session or wandering around the gardens. Try to attack him when he is alone and conceal his body in a container. If you are not quick enough, Helmut will participate in the fashion show and then meet with Dalia in her private quarters on the third floor. However, he will return to the palace gardens later in the mission.

Important items

Note: this list does not include common items such as wrenches and screwdrivers. These items can be found easily during the mission.

Inspect the broadcasting truck.

Look for a Camera Lens in the open broadcasting truck located in the northern parking lot (point M3,15 on the map). You can give this item to the blogger (point M3,5 on the map) who intends to interview Novikov. Its purpose is to assassinate Victor during the interview, either with a remote explosive or by shooting him from a distance.

The catering staff room on the first floor is one of the places where Emetic Rat Poison can be found. You can get a few pieces of it from there. It can also be found at multiple locations on the map, including point M3,3. This poison can be used to poison Novikov by pouring it into his favorite drink at the bar (point M3,4), poison Dalia on the third floor of the palace (point M3,18), or poison Novikov’s bodyguard in the catering staff room (point M3,14).

If you’re looking for a Palace Staff Disguise, you can find an unused one in two places – in the locker-room on the 0th level of the palace (point M3,6), or in one of the trailers located on the southern parking lot (point M3,4). However, if you choose to get it from the locker-room, make sure to avoid contact with other people.

Acquiring a Palace Master Key can make it a lot easier to travel around the palace. You can find it in a small room on the 0th level of the palace (point M3,5). It’s recommended to get it early on in the mission, as it allows you to open doors without a lockpick. But keep in mind that it won’t give you access to the Sheikh’s room on the second floor.

Finding an IAGO Invitation can be incredibly valuable, as it allows you to reach the secret auction without the need for an “advanced” outfit. You can find it in one of the toilets in the northern section of the first level of the palace (point M3,8).

If you want to start the fireworks show, you’ll need a Fireworks Remote Detonator. You can find it near some event crew members in the central part of the building’s second floor (point M3,10). Using the detonator can divert the attention of both guests and staff, making it easier to eliminate your targets. However, be aware that reaching the detonator location will capture Agent 47’s face on one of the cameras. If you want to erase any evidence of your activity, you’ll need to delete the recordings in the monitor room on the 0th floor (point M3,17).

In the attic, there is a pendrive along with a group of guards.

The Laptop Dongle can be quite challenging to locate, but it can be found in the attic of the building together with multiple monitors used to observe the secret auction (point M3,13 on the map). After obtaining the pendrive, you can proceed to Dalia Margolis’ office (point M3,11 on the map) and use it to tamper with her notebook. This will force her to go to her office, giving you the opportunity to eliminate her in a secluded spot.

Near the Laptop Dongle, there is a remote explosive.

In the same area as the Laptop Dongle mentioned above, a remote explosive can be located in the attic (point M3,9 on the map). This can be utilized to take out one of the targets during the mission by placing it wherever you desire and detonating it from a safe distance. Alternatively, you can rig the blogger’s camera on the first floor (point M3,5 on the map) and detonate it while he interviews Novikov.

The Cocktail Recipe can be obtained in the basement close to the kitchen.

You can discover the Cocktail Recipe in one of the hallways on the ground floor, near the kitchen (point M3,3 on the map). Obtaining this item is vital if you wish to poison Novikov, as you need it to create his favorite drink at the bar situated on the palace’s first floor (point M3,4 on the map). Just remember to add the poison afterwards!


What are disguises and why are they important in Paris: The Showstopper?

In Paris: The Showstopper, disguises are costumes that the player can wear to blend in with the crowds and avoid detection by guards and other NPCs. Each disguise has its own unique abilities, such as the ability to access restricted areas or blend in with specific groups of people. Disguises are important because they allow the player to move around the level undetected and complete objectives without raising suspicion. Without disguises, the player would be limited in their ability to explore the level and complete objectives, making the game much more difficult.

What are important items in Paris: The Showstopper and how do they help the player?

Important items in Paris: The Showstopper are objects that the player can interact with to complete objectives or gain access to new areas. These items can include keycards, weapons, and other useful tools. For example, a keycard might allow the player to access a restricted area, while a weapon might be used to eliminate a target or defend against guards. Important items are critical to the player’s success in the game, as they provide the means to complete objectives and progress through the level. However, obtaining important items can be challenging, as they are often guarded or hidden in hard-to-reach areas.

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